The thirdfactor
library provides Flutter widgets for initializing the ThirdFactor Verification process in a Flutter application. It includes components for onboarding, web view, and client configurations.
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
thirdfactor: ^<latest_version>
Run the following command to install the package:
flutter pub get
import 'package:thirdfactor/thirdfactor.dart';
In your iOS project, you need to add a description for camera usage and Photo Library in the Info.plist
file. Open ios/Runner/Info.plist
and add the following lines:
<string>Describe why your application requires access to device camera.</string>
<string>Describe why your application requires access to the photo library.</string>
For Android, you'll need to add the camera permission and Storage to your AndroidManifest.xml
file and provide a rationale for the user. Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
and add the following lines:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
Wrap your application with ThirdFactorScope to enable ThirdFactor Verification:
void main() {
clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
builder: (context, navigatorKey) {
return MaterialApp(
navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
// Your app configuration here
You can customize the transition animation when pushing or popping routes using the transitionBuilder parameter in ThirdFactorScope.
// Other parameters ....
transitionBuilder: (_, animation, __, child) {
const begin = Offset(1.0, 0.0);
const end =;
const curve = Curves.easeInOut;
var tween = Tween(begin: begin, end: end).chain(CurveTween(curve: curve));
var offsetAnimation =;
return SlideTransition(
position: offsetAnimation,
child: child,
transitionDuration: Duration(millisecond:300),
reverseTransitionDuration: Duration(millisecond:300),
You can customize the loading animation when initializing the ThirdFactor Verifcation.
// Other parameters ....
loadingBuilder: (progress) {
return YourCustomLoadingWidget();
Initiate the ThirdFactor Verification process in your app:
void startVerification() async {
// Get verification URL from your server
String verificationUrl = await yourServerApi.getVerificationUrl();
// Start ThirdFactor Verification
await ThirdFactorScope.of(context).startVerification(
verificationUrl: verificationUrl,
onCompletion: (response) {
// Handle the verification completion response
print("Verification Status: ${response.status}");
print("Verification Message: ${response.message}");
if (response.imageBytes != null) {
print("Image URL: ${response.imageBytes}");
For more advanced configurations, you can customize the onboarding process using TfOnboardingOptions
TfOnboardingOptions onboardingOptions = TfOnboardingOptions(
onboardingPages: [
// Your onboarding pages/widgets here
OnboardingPageWidget("Page 1", "Description 1", Icons.accessibility),
OnboardingPageWidget("Page 2", "Description 2",,
OnboardingPageWidget("Page 3", "Description 3",,
onDone: () {
// Callback when Done button is pressed
print("Onboarding Completed");
onPageChanged: (index) {
// Callback when page changes
print("Page changed to $index");
showSkip: false,
showNext: true,
dotsDecorator: TfDotsDecorator(), // Dots decorator customization
animationDuration: 500,
curve: Curves.easeInOut,
controlsPadding: EdgeInsets.all(32.0),
scrollPhysics: BouncingScrollPhysics(),
controlAlignment: Alignment.topCenter, // Alignment for control buttons
We use a JavaScript channel to handle messages from the Thirdfactor server. This is crucial for processing scanned documents or other data returned from the server.
onMessageReceived: (JavaScriptMessage message) {
try {
final response = TfResponse.fromJson(message.message);
} catch (_) {
throw Exception("Couldn't decode response from Thirdfactor server");