A guide and script to migrate postgres from remote server to managed docker instance
- login to root
- create user with shell and home directory
useradd -m -s /bin/bash {username}
- add passsword to new user
passwd {username}
- make the user a sudoer
usermod -aG sudo {username}
- login to user
- setup docker in virtual machine (look for documentation on website)
- make sure docker is a sudoer
- get database connection details for pg_dump {user} {host} {database_name} {password}
- check db encoding to make sure target db has the same encoding as the source db (dump file)
- create dump of database
pg_dump -h {host} -U {user} -d {database} -Fc --encoding=UTF8 -f /directory/to/backup/file/{file_name}.dump (go to postgres dir incase)
- update the docker compose file
- add volume(pg_dump file) to the DB section
image: postgres
- ./backup_file.dump:/etc/backup/backup_file.dump
build your docker compose image (https://github.com/kimfom01/DockedDB)
setup nginx for proxy redirection or whatever they call it
make sure you add dump file as a volume in postgres image script
cd into directory with docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d
- to access the shell in the postgres container
docker exec -it {container name } /bin/bash
- then from the bash terminal we can run
pg_restore -U {username} -d {database name} -Fc {path to volume}
to retore the database
to connect you can use psql
psql -U {username} -d {databse name} -h {host|optional} -p {port |optional}