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Vic ShΓ³stak edited this page Jun 19, 2023 · 14 revisions

In this section, we'll take a closer look at how you can quickly and easily set up a configuration file to start implementing any of your tasks. You can use absolutely any format of configuration file:

  • JSON
  • YAML
  • TOML
  • HCL (Terraform)

The main condition is that your config file must contain the sections necessary for csv2api to work.

A configured config.yml file usually looks like this:

save_filtered_pk_to_csv: true

  - id
  - order_id
  - is_paid

csv_separator: ','


  base_url_schema: https
  auth_method: Bearer
  token: '{{ CONFIG_API_TOKEN }}'
  request_timeout: 0

    endpoint_name: /api/v1/order/%s
    content_type: application/json
    add_pk_to_endpoint_name: true
    http_method: PATCH
        order: id
          tags: tags


  - column_name: order_id
    condition: NEQ
    value: ''


  - field_name: tags
      - paid
      - column_name: is_paid
        condition: EQ
        value: '1'

Let's look at each section in more detail.


This section accepts a boolean (true or false) value. Allows you to specify whether to save the filtered primary keys (PK) to a CSV file.

This is useful when you need to keep track of which PK (IDs) have been filtered, to control how they change in the database or elsewhere.


This section accepts a list of strings. Allows you to specify the order of the fields for filtering and updating.

❗️ Please note: the first element in this list is the primary key (PK), which will be used in other configuration sections.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a separator between columns in a CSV data file.

❗️ Please note: the setting must match the parameters of the Go standard library:


This section accepts many parameters and objects. Allows you to specify settings for your REST API instance.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a base URL address (host) for your REST API.


This section accepts the one of the values: http or https. Allows you to specify an HTTP schema for the base URL address (host) for your REST API.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify an auth method for making requests to your REST API.

For example, Bearer.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify an auth token for making requests to your REST API.

WARNING: do not forget to add your config file to a .gitignore, if you place API token to this section!

It is recommended to keep such data under protection, for example by using environment variables. For example, you can specify a token like this when you start the parser:

MYVAR_API_TOKEN=secret-1234567 csv2api -c /path/to/config.yml -d /path/to/data.csv -e MYVAR

During initialization, the parser will insert your token from env into this configuration section by itself.

❗️ Please note: to be built into the configuration correctly, you must specify environment variables in object style, but use underscores (_) instead of dots (.).


This section accepts an int. Allows you to specify a request timeout for HTTP client.


This section accepts object. Allows you to specify endpoint to update actions from your REST API.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify an endpoint name (path).

For example, if you need to set a primary key (PK) to endpoint path, this section support Go markers (like you use in fmt.Sprintf function):

endpoint_name: /api/v1/order/%s # <-- '%s' is a stub where PK will be inserted


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify an endpoint's Content-Type.


This section accepts a boolean (true or false) value. Allows you to set a primary key (PK) to the endpoint name (path).

❗️ Please note: if you set this setting to true, then you must necessarily specify a stub in the endpoint_name option.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify an endpoint's HTTP method.


This section accepts an object. Allows you to describe in a simple format the structure of the body of a request.

For example, if your API endpoint has a body structure like this:

  "data": {
    "order": "1",
    "attributes": {
      "tags": [

Then the configuration for this subsection will be like this:


  # ...


    # ...

        order: id
          tags: tags

❗️ Please note: you must use exactly the field/column names, that you specified in the columns_order and update_fields sections.


This section accepts a list of objects. Allows you to describe in a simple format the structure of the filter for input data.

❗️ Please note: there is a logical AND between all filters.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a column name for filtering.


This section accepts the one of the values: EQ, NEQ, GT, LT, GTE, LTE. Allows you to specify a condition for filtering.

For string or int values:

  • EQ – equals to the given value (==)
  • NEQ – not equals to the given value (!=)

Only for int values:

  • GT – greater than the given value (>)
  • LT – less than the given value (<)
  • GTE – greater than or equal to the given value (>=)
  • LTE – less than or equal to the given value (<=)


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a column value for filtering.

❗️ Please note: if the value should be empty, specify it as ''.


This section accepts a list of objects. Allows you to specify fields to be updated in your REST API.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a field name for updating in your REST API.


This section accepts a list of strings. Allows you to specify field value(s) for updating in your REST API.


This section accepts a list of objects. Allows you to specify conditions for the field.

❗️ Please note: there is a logical AND between all conditions.


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a column name for filtering.


This section accepts the one of the values: EQ, NEQ, GT, LT, GTE, LTE. Allows you to specify a condition for filtering.

For string or int values:

  • EQ – equals to the given value (==)
  • NEQ – not equals to the given value (!=)

Only for int values:

  • GT – greater than the given value (>)
  • LT – less than the given value (<)
  • GTE – greater than or equal to the given value (>=)
  • LTE – less than or equal to the given value (<=)


This section accepts a string. Allows you to specify a column value for filtering.

❗️ Please note: if the value should be empty, specify it as ''.