Evernote API version 1.25
This SDK contains Evernote cloud API in Lua language generated from the Thrift
interface released by Evernote as well as the thrift
runtime library
mainly for Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT.
and LuaSec
are required for secure HTTP requests to Evernote. For
Ubuntu users you need to install Luarocks
first and then install the above
two rocks by luarocks
through the following commands:
sudo apt-get install luarocks
sudo luarocks install luasocket luasec
You also need to build some binary objects for the thrift
runtime library.
A Makefile
is provided in the thrift
directory to simplify this task.
cd thrift && make
You can test the thrift runtime for both client side and server side with these commands:
cd ../test && lua5.1 ./test_basic_server.lua &
lua5.1 ./test_basic_client.lua
if everything goes right the server and client will both return quietly.
To test evernote client you need the busted
test framework which is also provided
as a rock in luarocks
which can be installed by:
sudo luarocks install busted
You need to obtain a developer token here
to test evernote client. After replacing the faked authToken
in test_evernote_client.lua
with your own developer token just run this command:
cd test && busted test_evernote_client.lua