Simple SMTP to MQTT relay/forwarder.
Ever wanted to just forward your alert e-mails to MQTT? smtp2mqtt can do it.
- Single executable (thanks to Go!)
- Linux/Windows/Mac/BSD support
- multipart text/html e-mails supported
- (optional) JSON support
Here is quick example, just to get idea what you can do with it.
Start server:
$ ./smtp2mqtt -listen
2019/10/22 21:51:25 Listening on:
Run SMTP server forwarder and forward to MQTT in JSON:
$ ./smtp2mqtt -json -topic smtp/ -mqtt tcp://
2019/10/22 21:52:25 Listening on:
You can find binary and source releases on Github under "Releases". Here's the link to the latest release
$ ./smtp2mqtt
Usage of ./smtp2mqtt:
-allow string
Allow only specific IPs to send e-mail (e.g. 192.168.1.)
Enable debug messages
-deny string
Deny specific IPs to send e-mail (e.g.
post to MQTT topic as json
keep connection to MQTT
-listen string
Listen on specific IP and port (default "")
-mqtt string
connect to specified MQTT server (default "tcp://")
-password string
MQTT password for connecting
-topic string
prepend specified string to MQTT topic (e.g. 'smtp/')
-user string
MQTT username for connecting
Display version
-welcome string
Welcome message for SMTP session (default "MQTT-forwarder ESMTP ready.")
Just type:
go build
Static compiling:
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-extldflags -static"
Just type:
go build
- Implement TLS support for MQTT
- Implement JSON support
Vlatko Kosturjak