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Simon Schürrle edited this page Jan 15, 2024 · 14 revisions

The config location should be present in you local config dir Run this command to print the directory:

python -c "import appdirs; print(appdirs.user_config_dir('dooit'))"

⚠️ For rendering colored/styled texts have a look at Markup Syntax and Text Class

⚠️ The default colors are used as nord colors and not ansi colors due to this reason


These are just color global variables you can set! For example:

black = "#2e3440"
white = "#e5e9f0"
grey = "#d8dee9"
red = "#bf616a"
frost_green = "#8fbcbb"
cyan = "#88c0d0"
green = "#a3be8c"
yellow = "#ebcb8b"
blue = "#81a1c1"
magenta = "#b48ead"
orange = "#d08770"

Colors red, yellow and green are used in the app
The others can be used in other config options as desired :D


These are some basic global settings for the app

BACKGROUND = black # background color of the app
BAR_BACKGROUND = black # background color of bar
WORKSPACES_BACKGROUND = black # background color for workspaces pane
TODOS_BACKGROUND = black # background color for todos pane
BORDER_DIM = grey + " 50%" # color for non-focused pane
BORDER_LIT = blue # color for focused pane

# A comma-separated color tuple for foreground and background colors for title of un-focused pane
# It can be a single string as well, it will then use the `BORDER_DIM` as bg color
BORDER_TITLE_DIM = grey, dark_black 

# Same as above for focused pane
BORDER_TITLE_LIT = white, blue

SEARCH_COLOR = red # highlight color when searching
YANK_COLOR = blue # a color flash for yanking a todo/workspace/description
SAVE_ON_ESCAPE = False # whether to cancel the todo or save it when esc is pressed. `False` means cancel
USE_DATE_FIRST = True # whether to use dd-mm or mm-dd. True means day first

# This defines how the date is referenced in the Due Column
# See here:
DATE_FORMAT = "%d %h"
TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M" # use this format for time if time is non zero


The dashboard variable is a list of TextTypes (str or rich's Text) that can be rendered as a dashboard!
You can also include a list inside the list to maintain the exact alignment for different lines

For example:

ART = some_ascii_art
QUOTE = "Gotta do stuff !!!"
     f"Completed: {completed}",
     f"Pending: {pending}",
     f"Overdue: {overdue}",
PAD = " "

Everything is rendered with center alignment independent of other items
but putting them in an array will try to make them all align the same For example:

With alignment:


Without alignment:



    "No workspaces yet?",
    f"Press [{cyan}]'a'[/{cyan}] to add some!",
] # Message to show when there are no workspaces, it's a list of renderable and works just like DASHBOARD 

    "editing": cyan, # style/color for a focused item when editing
    "pointer": "> ", # A pointer to show the cursor position

     # Text to show if there are children's workspaces
     # You can use some vars for a hint
     # VARS
     # count: number of children inside the workspace 
     # You can use this in 2 different ways
     # Example 1: This will indicate that the workspaces have additional child workspaces
     "children_hint": "+",
     # Example 2: This will indicate the presence of children along with a count
     "children_hint": "+{count}",

     "start_expanded": False, # Develop Branch: On startup expand all workspaces with child workspaces


COLUMN_ORDER = ["description", "due", "urgency"]  # order of columns for todo pane
TODO = {
    "color_todos": False, # this will color the todos based on their status (overdue: red, pending: yellow, done: green)
    "editing": cyan, # style/color for focused todo when not editing
    "pointer": "> ", # cursor pointer
    "due_icon": "🕑", # icon to use for due
    "effort_icon": "🗲 ", # icon to use for effort
    "effort_color": yellow, # color to use for effort
    "recurrence_icon": " ⟲ ", # icon to use for recurrence
    "recurrence_color": blue, # color to use for recurrence
    "tags_color": red, # color for tags
    "completed_icon": "✓ ", # icon for completed todo
    "pending_icon": "● ", # icon for pending todo
    "overdue_icon": "! ", # icon for overdue todo

    "urgency1_icon": "🅐", # icon for urgency 1 (lowest)
    "urgency2_icon": "🅑", 
    "urgency3_icon": "🅒",
    "urgency4_icon": "🅓",

    # Develop Branch: Change the color of each urgency
    "urgency1_color": "green",
    "urgency2_color": "yellow",
    "urgency3_color": "orange",
    "urgency4_color": "red",

    "initial_urgency": 1,  # Develop Branch: Create new todos with this urgency
    # See workspace children hint for details
    # VARS
    # remaining: Todos remaining
    # done     : Todos done 
    # total    : Total todos
    "children_hint": "({done}/{total})"
    "children_hint": "{remaining}",  

    "start_expanded": False,  # Develop Branch: On startup expand all todos with child todos

    "Wow so Empty!?",
    "Add some todos to get started!",
] # Message to show when there are no todos. The list works just like dashboard's list


More about this in BAR


More about this in KEYBINDINGS

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