This is a WIP; ideally, it will provide a tool to properly scrape the contents of the "Parlamentarische Anfragen" website of the Austrian parliament (see here).
The reason behind it is that the website itself is relatively annoying to use, and provides very poor search functionality, i.e. no full-text search nor a direct search for inquierer and receiver.
Currently, this is merely a collection of very rudimentary functions.
After installing the dependencies (BeautifulSoup4
, requests
, lxml
), you can run the PoC with:
$ ./
date: 25.10.2021
inquiry: {'desc': 'Schriftliche Anfrage der Abgeordneten Douglas Hoyos-Trauttmansdorff, Kolleginnen und Kollegen an die Bundesministerin für Landesverteidigung betreffend Zukunft der Hackher-Kaserne', 'from': 'Eingebracht von: Douglas Hoyos-Trauttmansdorff', 'to': 'Eingebracht an: Mag. Klaudia Tanner Regierungsmitglied Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung', 'refs': [{'url': '', 'ref': 'Anfrage (gescanntes Original) / PDF, 648 KB'}, {'url': '', 'ref': 'Anfrage (elektr. übermittelte Version) / PDF, 85 KB'}, {'url': '', 'ref': 'HTML, 85 KB'}]}
number: 8414/J
progress: has not been answered
relative url: /PAKT/VHG/XXVII/J/J_08414/index.shtml
title: Zukunft der Hackher-Kaserne (BMLV) - Frist für die Beantwortung 25.12.2021