Scripts to get the MHS35 screen working on Astrobox Touch working.
Astrobox Touch documentation states that only a few screens (Waveshare, Kumon, GeekPi) are supported. Getting additional screens like the Geekworm screens is pretty simple. This should work with any screen that uses the "LCD-show" configuration workflow.
In my case, the Geekworm screen config files can be snagged at I've included the scripts in this repo, but you can snag any other screen config, not just the Geekworm / GoodTFT panels.
Astrobox disabled SSH out of the box, so put a "ssh" folder on your boot. Snag your IP by looking at DHCP reservations, or reboot your Pi without a SD card to see your IP address.
cd ~ git clone
Essentially you need to install the driver and then update the /boot/config.txt for your display. Pick the correct script for your display.
sudo ./MHS-35-show
This will also create a config file in ./boot/config.txt.bak.
sudo cp ./boot/config.txt.bak /boot/config.txt
I've put an example config in ./boot/config.txt.
sudo shutdown -r now
Screen configuration scripts on Astrobox are located in /screen-config/. The main script is /, which just runs the "LCD-show" driver install and then copies the config file to /boot/config.txt