Kebab Project 2.x Web Client Platform for Ext JS is only supported on Ext JS 4.x and up.
- We suggest unix-linux operating systems,
- Use Google Chrome for better development & rendering performance,
- Good IDE is everything!
Unzip all contents your web root and run index.html file. That's all!
- DONE: Create new notification component and helper
- PROCESSING: I18n & multilanguage support for client-side
- PROCESSING: Create new translator helper
- General appearance improvements
- Create new os loader component and solve z-index problems
- DONE: Create webos application for extjs 4 mvc structure
- DONE: Create application config class and getters setters
- DONE: Configure compass
- DONE: Jasmine BDD testing suite integration
- DONE: Get Web OS boot data
- DONE: Create Mac OS X & Ubuntu Unity style web desktop appearance
- DONE: Add all ajax / rest requests ?authenticity_token=xxxxxx parameter
- DONE: Sign-in and forgot password layouts for login section
- DONE: User authorization and loading for user's session data, stories, applications etc.