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Clonal Growth Simulator (SSA)



  • A C++ compiler that supports C++11
  • Boost libraries: system, filesystem, iostreams, random
  • CMake 2.6 or newer
  • Gzip (optional)

On Ubuntu 16.04 all dependencies can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-random-dev gcc g++ python gzip```

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../



To run a simulation you need to call the binary with an xml file:

cd examples
mkdir out
../bin/simulator iteratedgrowth_csc_otl.xml

Note that the code will crash if the output folder (<OutPath>out/</OutPath>) does not exist!

Configuration files

The simulation settings are stored in a single xml file containing 3 nodes: Simulation, Solver, and Experiment. An example xml can be found in the examples folder.


The model node specifies the growth model, which includes the species and transitions, and the related settings. The growth model is specified via the type attribute, and may be:

  • Simple: constant growth with one cell type without cell death
  • CSC: stem cell driven growth with a specified number of division for differentiated cells, and all cells may go into apoptosis.
Parameters for the simple growth model
Element Description
DivisionRate Number of times cells divide per day
DivisionRateSD Standard deviation of the division rates
DivisionRateLogNormal Use lognormal instead of normal distribution for division rates
DeathRate Death rate of the cells
Seed Seed for generating variable division rates
Parameters for the CSC growth model
Element Description
MaxAgeTransitCell Number of transitions for DCs
DivisionRateStemCell Number of times CSCs divide per day
DivisionRateTransitCell Number of times DCs divide per day
DeathRateStemCell Number of times CSCs die per day
DeathRateTransitCell Number of times DCs die per day
ProbSymmStemCellDivision Probability of a symmetric CSC division
ProbSymmStemCellDifferentiation Probability of a symmetric CSC differentiation
DivisionRateSD Standard deviation of the division rates
Seed Seed for generating variable division rates
InitialFractions Comma-separated list of MaxAgeTransitCell+1 initial fractions
InitialStemCellFraction Initial fraction of CSCs, all other species get identical initial fractions


The solver node specifies the solver and related settings. The solver is set via the type attribute, which, for now, can only be GillspieOTL, a solver using ordinary tau leaping gillespie. The only setting for GillespieOTL solver is tau, which refers to the length (in days) of one tau-step.


The experiment node specifies the kind of experiments and the experiment specific settings. The experiment is specified via the type attribute, and can be:

  • ConstantGrowth: cells grow for a given time
  • IteratedGrowth: cells grow untill a target number is reached and then a subset is passed to the next generation.
Parameters for ConstantGrowth
Element Description
SimulationTime Simulation time in days
Seed Seed used for stochastic growth and passage
InitSeed Seed used for the initialization (if ommitted, Seed is used)
InitialPopulationSize Initial number of cells
InitFile File with initial clone distribution
InitUniform Number of clones over which the initial cells are uniformly distributed
Name Simulation name, used for filenames of the output
SaveFreq Frequency for generating output
Outpath Path to store output to
SaveXML Export all settings (including defaults) in an xml file and save it to Outpath
gzip Gzip all output files
UseSimDir Create a folder in Outpath that contains all generated output
Parameters for IteratedGrowth
Element Description
CriticalPopulationSize Population size after which a growth step is stopped
NumberOfCellsToKeep Number of cells to keep after passage
NumberOfPassages Number of growth and passage cycles
MaxPassTime Maximum time a growth step may take
StopSimIfNPassNotReached Stop the simulation if MaxPassTime is reached
Seed Seed used for stochastic growth and passage
InitSeed Seed used for the initialization (if ommitted, Seed is used)
InitialPopulationSize Initial number of cells
InitFile File with initial clone distribution
InitUniform Number of clones over which the initial cells are uniformly distributed
Name Simulation name, used for filenames of the output
SaveFreq Frequency for generating output
Outpath Path to store output to
SaveXML Export all settings (including defaults) in an xml file and save it to Outpath
gzip Gzip all output files
UseSimDir Create a folder in Outpath that contains all generated output


Alternatively, you can use Docker to build the software:

docker build -t ssa .

Then, you can run the software with:

cd examples/
mkdir out
docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $PWD:/data/ ssa /data/iteratedgrowth_csc_otl_docker.xml

Note that this command mounts the current directory as /data/ inside the container. Therefore, OutPath in the xml must start with /data/ as well.


We thank the developers of the TinyXML-2 library for providing this library (


Gillespie simulator of clonal growth







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