Welcome Guys & Gals to the repository, where you will be completing your Task 2️⃣ of FOSS Workshop.
We have divided the Task 2, into 3️⃣ subtasks, and the points will be awarded accordingly.
You will find a folder, named as Subtask-1 in the main branch of this repository. In that folder, you have to create a text file the name of which will be your Github Username.
In that text file, you have to answer the following things :
- Your Full Name
- Your Nick Name (or something, you would like to be known as)
- Your Hometown & Homestate 😂
- What are you most excited to learn in the APK Month?
- What all societies do you want to be a part of during your 4 years of college life?
- The Course you Hate the Most
- Github Profile URL
- Facebook Profile URL
- Instagram Profile URL
You will find a sample text file in that folder for your reference. Once you have answered all these ❓, you just have to save the file, and push it to the main branch.
<Github_username> completed Subtask-1
Make sure to use the above format only, while commiting your changes for Subtask-1.
Once you have pushed your changes, make sure to make a PR(Pull Request) in the main branch. Once you have done that, give yourself a pat on your back, for completing Subtask-1, and proceed to the branch Subtask-2, for further instructions.