This is a set of course materials Niko Partanen (me) is using while teaching the this course. It is supposed to be used with a Komi-Zyrian Test Corpus and the materials have an accompanying website, which is more thorough but also still more at the draft level. I work currently in LATTICE laboratory in Paris, and I'm also working with IKDP-2 research project.
If you have comments or suggestions, any feedback, my email address is [email protected]. Opening an issue in GitHub is also ok.
The lectures assume that you have done something like:
git clone
git clone
git clone
So when you are in the main directory what you see is:
Notes during the course were collected into this introductory document
The course is split along following slides:
- Introduction
- Getting test corpus into R
- How does ELAN work?
- More advanced example with emuR, Shiny and PraatScript
- Some file manipulation examples
My work has been supported by several institutions and foundations while conducting work that has contributed into these materials:
- Funding from Kone Foundation in IKDP and [IKDP-2](] research projecs
- Position in 2017 in LATTICE laboratory
- Travel grant in 2016 from Suomalais-ugrilaisen kulttuurirahaston säätiö
There are probably tons of small improvements that could be done with attributing everyone, but at least following should be probably listed separatedly:
- Custom CSS and inspiration to use revealjs comes from this presentation
- Praat scripts are based into examples of Steven Buss's formant script and Will Styler's COG script
- Different pieces of code are copied from countless blogs and posts around the internet -- if something deserves to be attributed, just let me know and I will happily add it