A Webpack plugin to generate a Google AMP optimized CSS file using postcss-amplify.
For every CSS file that is compiled through Webpack, this plugin uses postcss-amplify to filter out:
- Media queries for desktop breakpoints
- Non
vendor prefixes - Specific class block names or other prefixes (for use with BEM or other namespacing methodologies)
classes ori-amp
and generate a new file with the format FILENAME.amp.css
npm install postcss-amplify-webpack-plugin
yarn add postcss-amplify-webpack-plugin
Add the plugin to your Webpack config:
const PostcssAmplifyWebpackPlugin = require('postcss-amplify-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new PostcssAmplifyWebpackPlugin(options)
options.maxBreakpoint (string) To allow for larger mobile styling, media queries below this breakpoint will be preserved.
options.excludedBlocks (string or array) List of class blocks or prefixes to exclude. Do not include the .
options.outputPath (string) Directory for the new files. This should be an absolute path and defaults to the setting for output.path
in the Webpack config.
options.excludedFiles (RegExp or array) List of files to exclude. This option behaves the same as other Webpack exclude
My Webpack configs tend to be on the simpler side so it's possible there are some build variations I haven't considered. If you run into any issues with the plugin or the underlying CSS parsing, please submit an issue.