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Pull Request Review Standards (WIP)

Raycoms edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 1 revision

To avoid friction in the community and to make sure new developers, as well as established developers, feel welcome to create pull request, we need rules to follow when reviewing pull requests.

In this sense we have to be sensible in the choice of words and writing style to not demotivate the users.

Based on this, I created two categories of behavior we should avoid/reduce. The first group en-globes things we should avoid using if possible. The second group contains behavior we should not display on any circumstances.


  • Caps;
  • Bold writing;
  • Exclamation points;


  • Use words like useless, senseless, stupid, fail, flaw... (In relation to the code or work);
  • Attack or Insult the Person creating the pull request in any way;
  • Use sarcastic language;

Besides that, we should make sure our critique is as constructive as possible to help the developer to improve his current and future pull requests.

In this sense we should ask "Why did you solve this in this way?" and not say "This is stupid, do it differently!", there are always reasons for certain code being written in a certain way and knowing why the developer decided on his/her existing solution helps us to give a more constructive and matching solution proposal.