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feat: add well founded streams
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fgdorais committed Dec 25, 2024
1 parent f007bfe commit 07d50cd
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Showing 4 changed files with 424 additions and 93 deletions.
96 changes: 3 additions & 93 deletions Batteries/Data/Stream.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,93 +1,3 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 François G. Dorais. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2. license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: François G. Dorais

namespace Stream

/-- Drop up to `n` values from the stream `s`. -/
def drop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) : Nat → σ
| 0 => s
| n+1 =>
match next? s with
| none => s
| some (_, s) => drop s n

/-- Read up to `n` values from the stream `s` as a list from first to last. -/
def take [Stream σ α] (s : σ) : Nat → List α × σ
| 0 => ([], s)
| n+1 =>
match next? s with
| none => ([], s)
| some (a, s) =>
match take s n with
| (as, s) => (a :: as, s)

@[simp] theorem fst_take_zero [Stream σ α] (s : σ) :
(take s 0).fst = [] := rfl

theorem fst_take_succ [Stream σ α] (s : σ) :
(take s (n+1)).fst = match next? s with
| none => []
| some (a, s) => a :: (take s n).fst := by
simp only [take]; split <;> rfl

@[simp] theorem snd_take_eq_drop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) :
(take s n).snd = drop s n := by
induction n generalizing s with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
simp only [take, drop]
split <;> simp [ih]

/-- Tail recursive version of `Stream.take`. -/
def takeTR [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) : List α × σ :=
loop s [] n
/-- Inner loop for `Stream.takeTR`. -/
loop (s : σ) (acc : List α)
| 0 => (acc.reverse, s)
| n+1 => match next? s with
| none => (acc.reverse, s)
| some (a, s) => loop s (a :: acc) n

theorem fst_takeTR_loop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (acc : List α) (n : Nat) :
(takeTR.loop s acc n).fst = acc.reverseAux (take s n).fst := by
induction n generalizing acc s with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih => simp only [take, takeTR.loop]; split; rfl; simp [ih]

theorem fst_takeTR [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) : (takeTR s n).fst = (take s n).fst :=
fst_takeTR_loop ..

theorem snd_takeTR_loop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (acc : List α) (n : Nat) :
(takeTR.loop s acc n).snd = drop s n := by
induction n generalizing acc s with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih => simp only [takeTR.loop, drop]; split; rfl; simp [ih]

theorem snd_takeTR [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) :
(takeTR s n).snd = drop s n := snd_takeTR_loop ..

@[csimp] theorem take_eq_takeTR : @take = @takeTR := by
funext; ext : 1; rw [fst_takeTR]; rw [snd_takeTR, snd_take_eq_drop]

end Stream

@[simp] theorem List.stream_drop_eq_drop (l : List α) : Stream.drop l n = l.drop n := by
induction n generalizing l with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
match l with
| [] => rfl
| _::_ => simp [Stream.drop, List.drop_succ_cons, ih]

@[simp] theorem List.stream_take_eq_take_drop (l : List α) :
Stream.take l n = (l.take n, l.drop n) := by
induction n generalizing l with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
match l with
| [] => rfl
| _::_ => simp [Stream.take, ih]
import Batteries.Data.Stream.Basic
import Batteries.Data.Stream.Fold
import Batteries.Data.Stream.WF
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions Batteries/Data/Stream/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 François G. Dorais. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2. license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: François G. Dorais

namespace Stream

/-- Drop up to `n` values from the stream `s`. -/
def drop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) : Nat → σ
| 0 => s
| n+1 =>
match next? s with
| none => s
| some (_, s) => drop s n

/-- Read up to `n` values from the stream `s` as a list from first to last. -/
def take [Stream σ α] (s : σ) : Nat → List α × σ
| 0 => ([], s)
| n+1 =>
match next? s with
| none => ([], s)
| some (a, s) =>
match take s n with
| (as, s) => (a :: as, s)

@[simp] theorem fst_take_zero [Stream σ α] (s : σ) :
(take s 0).fst = [] := rfl

theorem fst_take_succ [Stream σ α] (s : σ) :
(take s (n+1)).fst = match next? s with
| none => []
| some (a, s) => a :: (take s n).fst := by
simp only [take]; split <;> rfl

@[simp] theorem snd_take_eq_drop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) :
(take s n).snd = drop s n := by
induction n generalizing s with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
simp only [take, drop]
split <;> simp [ih]

/-- Tail recursive version of `Stream.take`. -/
def takeTR [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) : List α × σ :=
loop s [] n
/-- Inner loop for `Stream.takeTR`. -/
loop (s : σ) (acc : List α)
| 0 => (acc.reverse, s)
| n+1 => match next? s with
| none => (acc.reverse, s)
| some (a, s) => loop s (a :: acc) n

theorem fst_takeTR_loop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (acc : List α) (n : Nat) :
(takeTR.loop s acc n).fst = acc.reverseAux (take s n).fst := by
induction n generalizing acc s with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih => simp only [take, takeTR.loop]; split; rfl; simp [ih]

theorem fst_takeTR [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) : (takeTR s n).fst = (take s n).fst :=
fst_takeTR_loop ..

theorem snd_takeTR_loop [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (acc : List α) (n : Nat) :
(takeTR.loop s acc n).snd = drop s n := by
induction n generalizing acc s with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih => simp only [takeTR.loop, drop]; split; rfl; simp [ih]

theorem snd_takeTR [Stream σ α] (s : σ) (n : Nat) :
(takeTR s n).snd = drop s n := snd_takeTR_loop ..

@[csimp] theorem take_eq_takeTR : @take = @takeTR := by
funext; ext : 1; rw [fst_takeTR]; rw [snd_takeTR, snd_take_eq_drop]

end Stream

@[simp] theorem List.stream_drop_eq_drop (l : List α) : Stream.drop l n = l.drop n := by
induction n generalizing l with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
match l with
| [] => rfl
| _::_ => simp [Stream.drop, List.drop_succ_cons, ih]

@[simp] theorem List.stream_take_eq_take_drop (l : List α) :
Stream.take l n = (l.take n, l.drop n) := by
induction n generalizing l with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
match l with
| [] => rfl
| _::_ => simp [Stream.take, ih]
112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions Batteries/Data/Stream/Fold.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 François G. Dorais. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: François G. Dorais
import Batteries.Data.Stream.WF

namespace Stream

/-! ### foldlM -/

/-- Folds a monadic function over a well founded stream from left to right. (Tail recursive.) -/
@[specialize] def foldlM [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] (f : β → α → m β) (init : β) (s : σ) : m β :=
match _hint : next? s with
| none => pure init
| some (x, t) => f init x >>= (foldlM f · t)
termination_by s

theorem foldlM_init [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] {f : β → α → m β} {init : β} {s : σ}
(h : next? s = none) : foldlM f init s = pure init := by rw [foldlM, h]

theorem foldlM_next [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] {f : β → α → m β} {init : β} {s t : σ} {x}
(h : next? s = some (x, t)) : foldlM f init s = f init x >>= (foldlM f · t) := by rw [foldlM, h]

theorem foldlM_eq_foldlM_toList [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] (f : β → α → m β) (init : β) (s : σ) :
foldlM f init s = (toList s).foldlM f init := by
induction s using Stream.recWF generalizing init with
| init h => simp only [foldlM_init h, toList_init h, List.foldlM_nil]
| next h ih => simp only [foldlM_next h, toList_next h, List.foldlM_cons, ih]

/-! ### foldl -/

/-- Folds a function over a well founded stream from left to right. (Tail recursive.) -/
@[inline] def foldl [Stream.WF σ α] (f : β → α → β) (init : β) (s : σ) : β :=
foldlM (m := Id) f init s

theorem foldl_init [Stream.WF σ α] {f : β → α → β} {init : β} {s : σ}
(h : next? s = none) : foldl f init s = init := foldlM_init h

theorem foldl_next [Stream.WF σ α] {f : β → α → β} {init : β} {s t : σ}
(h : next? s = some (x, t)) : foldl f init s = foldl f (f init x) t := foldlM_next h

theorem foldl_eq_foldl_toList [Stream.WF σ α] (f : β → α → β) (init : β) (s : σ) :
foldl f init s = (toList s).foldl f init := by
induction s using Stream.recWF generalizing init with
| init h => simp only [foldl_init h, toList_init h, List.foldl_nil]
| next h ih => simp only [foldl_next h, toList_next h, List.foldl_cons, ih]

/-! ### foldrM -/

/-- Folds a monadic function over a well founded stream from left to right. -/
@[specialize] def foldrM [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] (f : α → β → m β) (init : β) (s : σ) : m β :=
match _hint : next? s with
| none => pure init
| some (x, t) => foldrM f init t >>= f x
termination_by s

theorem foldrM_init [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] {f : α → β → m β} {init : β} {s : σ}
(h : next? s = none) : foldrM f init s = pure init := by rw [foldrM, h]

theorem foldrM_next [Monad m] [Stream.WF σ α] {f : α → β → m β} {init : β} {s t : σ}
(h : next? s = some (x, t)) : foldrM f init s = foldrM f init t >>= f x := by rw [foldrM, h]

theorem foldrM_eq_foldrM_toList [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] [Stream.WF σ α]
(f : α → β → m β) (init : β) (s : σ) : foldrM f init s = (toList s).foldrM f init := by
induction s using Stream.recWF with
| init h => simp only [foldrM_init h, toList_init h, List.foldrM_nil]
| next h ih => simp only [foldrM_next h, toList_next h, List.foldrM_cons, ih]

/-! ### foldr -/

/-- Folds a function over a well founded stream from left to right. -/
@[inline] def foldr [Stream.WF σ α] (f : α → β → β) (init : β) (s : σ) : β :=
foldrM (m := Id) f init s

theorem foldr_init [Stream.WF σ α] {f : α → β → β} {init : β} {s : σ}
(h : next? s = none) : foldr f init s = init := foldrM_init h

theorem foldr_next [Stream.WF σ α] {f : α → β → β} {init : β} {s t : σ}
(h : next? s = some (x, t)) : foldr f init s = f x (foldr f init t) := foldrM_next h

theorem foldr_eq_foldr_toList [Stream.WF σ α] (f : α → β → β) (init : β) (s : σ) :
foldr f init s = (toList s).foldr f init := by
induction s using Stream.recWF with
| init h => rw [foldr_init h, toList_init h, List.foldr_nil]
| next h ih => rw [foldr_next h, toList_next h, List.foldr_cons, ih]

end Stream

theorem List.stream_foldlM_eq_foldlM [Monad m] (f : β → α → m β) (init : β) (l : List α) :
Stream.foldlM f init l = l.foldlM f init := by
induction l generalizing init with
| nil => rw [Stream.foldlM_init, foldlM_nil]; rfl
| cons x l ih => rw [Stream.foldlM_next, foldlM_cons]; congr; funext; apply ih; rfl

theorem List.stream_foldl_eq_foldl (f : β → α → β) (init : β) (l : List α) :
Stream.foldl f init l = l.foldl f init := by
induction l generalizing init with
| nil => rw [Stream.foldl_init, foldl_nil]; rfl
| cons x l ih => rw [Stream.foldl_next, foldl_cons]; congr; funext; apply ih; rfl

theorem List.stream_foldrM_eq_foldrM [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] (f : α → β → m β) (init : β) (l : List α) :
Stream.foldrM f init l = l.foldrM f init := by
induction l generalizing init with
| nil => rw [Stream.foldrM_init, foldrM_nil]; rfl
| cons x l ih => rw [Stream.foldrM_next, foldrM_cons]; congr; funext; apply ih; rfl

theorem List.stream_foldr_eq_foldr (f : α → β → β) (init : β) (l : List α) :
Stream.foldr f init l = l.foldr f init := by
induction l generalizing init with
| nil => rw [Stream.foldr_init, foldr_nil]; rfl
| cons x l ih => rw [Stream.foldr_next, foldr_cons]; congr; funext; apply ih; rfl

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