Automate edgexfoundry installation, including docker & docker-compose(need root user)
Help users quickly run edgexfoundry and understand its features
构建自动化edgexfoundry安装包, 帮助用户快速运行edgex,并体验它的功能
Currently only supports Ubuntu ,Suggest Ubuntu 16+ amd64
目前只支持Ubuntu, 建议Ubuntu 16+
Warning: the shell scripts mentioned below, make sure to execute in the bin directory
警告:下面提到的shell 脚本,需在bin目录下执行
chmod -R +x ./bin
Modify IP in hosts file to Ubuntu machine real IP
In the directory of compose-files and compose-files/bak ,each directory include two same .yml files:
docker-compose-redis.yml and docker-compose-mongo.yml
Modify image to yours in file
In the directory of images holds using images which is defined in directory of compose-files and compose-files/bak composefile
cd ./bin
execute the following command to start or stop edgex:
cd ./bin
./ redis
./ mongo
cd ./bin
vaule of DATATYPE is redis or mongo
value of SERVICENAME is Defined in composefile
if you want to unload edgex, execute the following command:
cd ./bin
Finally, you can package it into a * .tar.gz and publish it.