Docker based strategy for building, deploying, and testing lexevs, lexevs-remote, and lexevs-service (CTS2).
Docker must be installed to run the LexEVS System Tests.
- Clone this repository.
- CD to lexevs-system-test
- In a Docker enabled command line, run the test shell script.
Run the system tests, using all default git branches and repositories.
Git branches and repositories can be passed in when running the test script.
Note: Either specify all git branches and repositories or none (leave blank).
The following is the specific order of the parameters that need to passed in:
- LexEVS git branch. Default: devLEXEVS_REPO
- LexEVS git repository. Default:
- LexEVS Remote API branch. Default: devLEXEVS_REMOTE_REPO
- LexEVS Remote API repository. Default:
- URI Resolver tag. Default: tags/v1.0.0.FINALURI_RESOLVER_REPO
URI Resolver repository. Default:
- LexEVS Service (CTS2) branch. Default: devLEXEVS_SERVICE_REPO
- LexEVS Service (CTS2) repository. Default:
- NCI Nexus Docker hub IDNCI_DOCKER_PW
- NCI Nexus Docker hub PWTEST_OPTIONS
- Options to skip CTS2 tests and/or LexEVS Remote API tests. This can be entered as -skipCts2 to skip CTS2 tests, -skipRemote to skip Remote API tests, or -skipCts2-skipRemote to skip bother
Example call: Run the system tests, specifying the git branches and repositories:
.\ dev dev tags/v1.0.0.FINAL dev nci_docker_user nci_docker_pw -skipCts2-skipRemote