Granada now becomes a extended version of Idiorm/Paris, adding eager and lazy loading and lot of minor additions and changes. Update to Idiorm/Paris v1.4.0
You can use the "with" method to add relationships eager loading to the query.
$results = $user->with('avatar', 'posts')->find_many();
will use 3 querys to fetch the users and the relationships:
SELECT * FROM avatar WHERE user_id IN (....)
SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id IN (....)
It is possible to get the relationships results for each result, this way
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result->avatar->img;
foreach($result->posts as $post){
echo $post->title;
It is possible to chain relationships and add arguments to the relationships calls
// chained relationships use the "with" reserved word.
$results = $user->with(array('posts'=>array('with'=>array('comments'))))->find_many();
foreach($results as $result){
foreach($posts as $post){
echo $post->title;
foreach($post->comments as $comment){
echo $comment->subject;
// using arguments (not just one) to call the relationships
$results = $user->with(array('posts'=>array('arg1')))->find_many();
// will call the relationship defined in the user model with the argument "arg1"
With the _call inclusion on the ORMWrapper now you can create static functions on the model,prepended with "filter":
public static function filter_aname($orm, $argument1, $argument2...){
return $orm->where('property', 'value')->limit('X')......;
and call it on a static call
ModelName::aname($argument1, $argument2)->....
Triying to access to a not fetched relationship will call and return it
$results = $user->find_many();
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result->avatar->img;
select_raw = select_expr
insert : To create and save multiple elements from an array
pluck : returns a single column from the result.
find_pairs : Return array of key=>value as result
save : accepts now a boolean to use "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" (just for Mysql)
delete_many : you could use it to delete from a join clause, defining the table that you want to delete
// In the Model
protected function set_title($value)
$this->alias = Str::slug($value);
$this->title = $value;
// outside of the model
$model->set('title', 'A title');
// works with multiple set too
$properties = array(
'title' => 'A title',
'content' => 'Some content'
// try it with a direct assignement
$model->title = 'A title';
Overload of get works only on non defined or empty attributes
// In the Model
protected function get_path(){
return 'whatever';
// outside of the model
echo $model->path; // returns 'whatever'
Paris is now considered to be feature complete as of version 1.4.0. Whilst it will continue to be maintained with bug fixes there will be no further new features added.
A lightweight Active Record implementation for PHP5.
Built on top of Idiorm.
Tested on PHP 5.2.0+ - may work on earlier versions with PDO and the correct database drivers.
Released under a BSD license.
- Extremely simple configuration.
- Exposes the full power of Idiorm's fluent query API.
- Supports associations.
- Simple mechanism to encapsulate common queries in filter methods.
- Built on top of PDO.
- Uses prepared statements throughout to protect against SQL injection attacks.
- Database agnostic. Currently supports SQLite, MySQL, Firebird and PostgreSQL. May support others, please give it a try!
- Supports collections of models with method chaining to filter or apply actions to multiple results at once.
- Multiple connections are supported
The documentation is hosted on Read the Docs:
You will need to install Sphinx and then in the docs folder run:
make html
The documentation will now be in docs/_build/html/index.html
class User extends Model {
public function tweets() {
return $this->has_many('Tweet');
class Tweet extends Model {}
$user = Model::factory('User')
->where_equal('username', 'j4mie')
$user->first_name = 'Jamie';
$tweets = $user->tweets()->find_many();
foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
echo $tweet->text;
- Increment composer.json requirement for Idiorm to 1.4.0 [michaelward82] - Issue #72
- Call methods against model class directly eg.
- PHP 5.3 only [Lapayo] - issue #62 find_many()
now returns an associative array with the databases primary ID as the array keys [Surt] - see commit 9ac0ae7 and Idiorm issue #133- Add PSR-1 compliant camelCase method calls to Idiorm (PHP 5.3+ required) [crhayes] - issue #59
- Allow specification of connection on relation methods [alexandrusavin] - issue #55
- Make tests/bootstrap.php HHVM compatible [JoelMarcey] - issue #71
- belongs_to doesn't work with $auto_prefix_models (issue #70)
- Documentation moved to and now built using Sphinx
- Add support for multiple database connections [tag] - issue #15
- Allow a prefix for model class names - see Configuration in the documentation - closes issues #33
- Exclude tests and git files from git exports (used by composer)
- Implement
- closes issue #39 - Add
- closes issue #40 - Add support for the new IdiormResultSet object in Idiorm - closes issue #14
- Change Composer to use a classmap so that autoloading is better supported [javierd] - issue #44
- Move tests into PHPUnit to match Idiorm
- Update included Idiorm version for tests
- Move documentation to use Sphinx
- Setup composer for installation via packagist (j4mie/paris)
- Add in basic namespace support, see issue #20
- Allow properties to be set as an associative array in
, see issue #13 - Patch in idiorm now allows empty models to be saved (j4mie/idiorm see issue #58)
- Fix incorrect tests, see issue #12
- Add
- Initial release