Work In Progress...
Backend for maimai dx with hand tracking.
Todo List:
- capture sinmai.exe display
- encode texture to h264 stream
- in low latency mode - failed on decoder side
- encode the game sound to headset
- send the stream to headset in udp
- full hand hitbox
- add a user-friendly config file
- receive user input from quest in udp
- transform the input to proper serial data format
- simulate the keyboard input
- send input data to sinmai.exe
- stop streaming when hmd not active
- simulate light
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
msbuild DesktopCaptureApp.sln /p:Configuration=Release
You can find the output binary in build/Release/
PS: If you encounts the error msbuild
not found, you have to add the path to msbuild.exe
to your PATH
environment variable. See C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin
, you can add this path to your PATH
environment variable. Or you can just open the Visual Studio 2022 IDE and build the solution there.
Open this project with VS Code, and press F5
to start debugging. Make sure you have already opened the Sinmai.exe
window before you start debugging, or the program will crash.
You need to install the following packages:
pip install pynput pyserial bitarray
Just double click the pysrc\run_me.bat