Research: Novel Low-Cost, High-Performance Resistive Sensor Interface Technologies For Ppb-Level Chemical Detection In Smart-Cities
Authors : Kyle G. Gayliyev
Mentor: Prof. Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, Raven Reitstetter
Date: 26-Aug-2024
Organization: The University of Utah
Course: ECE6950 - Research Project, ECE Department, The University of Utah
GitHub IDs: ggayliye
Date: By 10-December-2024 (Time of when submission is due/will be ready to be evaluated)
Copyright: ECE6950, Kyle G. Gayliyev - This work may not be copied for use in Academic Coursework.
Week1 Notes:
- Met with the professor, discussed about the project.
- Met with the team
- Met with the team leader Corinne Garcia about the project and logistics of working in the peoject.
- Participated in the team socializing activity.
Week2 Notes:
- On Wed Sep 3rd, 2024: Started reading the topic related the PhD student, Matthieu Couriol's, thesis/dissertation
- On Thu Sep 4th, 2024: Met with the scientist Raven who leads the project
All weekly updates will be in it's related folder on top. The last week will include imprivemnets from all weeks.
Future extensions :
Predicted Hours: 84h Actual Hours: will be updated
The actual hours recorded on top reflect the time spent for the project including the time spent in labs.
Thank you for evaluating this project.
Have a wonderful day!
Matthieu Couriol
- “Laboratory for Nanointegrated Systems (LNIS).” GitHub, Accessed 11 Sept. 2024.