This Git repository was created to host all the different projects created by me while taking part in the '100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2023' by Dr. Angela Yu on Udemy.
For now, I will be updating this readme file as and when I create a new project.
This project will deal with the concepts of printing, commenting, debugging, string manipulation and variables.
The script accepts the name of the city you grew up in, the name of your pet and suggests a band name by combining your city name and your pet name.
This project will deal with the concepts of data types, operations, type conversion and f-strings.
The script accepts a total bill amount, number of people the bill must be split among, and a tip percentage. It then outputs the share that each person has to pay.
This project will deal with the concepts of conditional statements, logical operators, code blocks, and scope of a variable (local and global).
In this project, users play a text-based game called 'Treasure Island' where the objective is to navigate based on the instructions that appear on screen and find a hidden treasure.
This project will deal with the concepts of randomisation and lists.
The script will recreate the classic kids game rock, paper, scissors.
This project will deal with the concepts of for loops, range, and code blocks.
The script will ask users how many letters, symbols and numbers they want in their password and then generate a random password tailored to their specifications.
This project will deal with the concepts of while loops and functions.
In this project, we will make use of the website Reeborg's World which allows users to learn Python concepts by moving around a robot called Reeborg.
This project will specifically deal with the Lost in a Maze challenge where you have to help Reeborg escape the maze. Reeborg's position is generated randomly each time the script is run, making the challenge quite interesting.
This project further strengthens the concepts covered in the previous and deals with breaking down a big problem statements into smaller problems that can be tackled easily. This project also introduces small checks to the UI such as validation messages and ASCII art to help the user understand the game better and make the experience more enjoyable.
In this project, we will recreate the classic game - 'Hangman'. The objective of this game is to guess a secret word, one letter at a time. Every wrong guess loses the user a life and the user must guess the word before they run out of lives.
This project deals with the concept of passing arguments to functions.
In this project, we will write a Python script that encodes and decodes strings using the Caesar Cipher.
The Caeser Cipher is an ancient encryption method where plaintext letters were replaced with another alphabet shifted some number down the alphabet. The number of shifts is previously agreed upon between the sender and recipient. For example, the world 'Hello' with a shift of 3 becomes 'Khoor'.
The script goes one step further to also shift the digits of a number in the same cyclic manner that happens with the alphabet.
This project deals with the concept of Python dictionaries and nesting.
In this project we will build a silent auction program where multiple users can bid silently, i.e, without revealing their bid amount and the highest bidder is picked as the winner.
This project deals with the concept of creating functions that return outputs.
This project is a text-based calculator app where the users are first asked to enter a number, pick an operation, and enter the other number. It then shows the user the computation and asks if the user wants to continue calculating using the same number, or move on to a different calculation.
This is a capstone project that will cover all the different topics dealt with so far.
In this project, we will attempt to recreate the classic game of Blackjack.
This project will deal with the concepts of global and local variable scope in python.
In this project, we will create a number guessing game wherein the user has to guess a randomly generated number by the computer.
Each time the user guesses a number, a prompt will show them if their guess is too high or too low.
The game also comes with two difficulties, 'easy' and 'hard'. Easy mode gives the users 10 attempts to guess the right word whereas 'hard' difficulty gives the user only 5 attempts.
No project for day 13. Day 13 only focused on different debugging principles.
This project will recreate the game 'Higher Lower'.
In this version of Higher Lower, we have the names of 50 different Instagram profiles among which the user will be shown 2 at random, and must guess which of the two have a higher follower count. In addition to the name of the Instagram celebrity (or profile), users are also shown information about the occupation and location of the celebrity to provide context.
This project will recreate a coffee machine based on the following requirements.
The script first asks the user what kind of drink they want. Based on what the user selects, the script should first perform a check to see if there are enough resources available to perform the action.
The next step is to ask user to insert coins, returning them their change if they add extra money or refunding the entire amount if they don't add enough.
If everything goes correctly, the script finally serves the drink to the user.
This project will recreate the coffee machine created on day 15 but using OOP (object oriented programming) principles.
The files containing all the classes required by the main script were supplied as part of the course. The main script was constructed referring to this documentation