#C-BAS: Certificate-based AAA for SDN Experimental Facilities
##Description C-BAS is a certificate-based AAA architecture for SDN experimental facilities, which is by design both secure and flexible. We are developing C-BAS as a robust AAA infrastructure solution to identify experimenters, police their actions based on the associated roles, facilitate secure resource sharing, and provide for detailed accountability.
##Publications Interested readers should consider reviewing the following papers, which overview C-BAS architecture and implementation as well as presents a migration path for its introduction in larger scale in SDN experimental facilities.
Umar Toseef, Adel Zaalouk, Tom Rothe, Matthew Broadbent, and Kostas Pentikousis, "C-BAS: Certificate-based AAA for SDN Experimental Facilities", Proc. EWSDN 2014, doi>10.1109/EWSDN.2014.41, Budapest, Hungary, September 2014.
Umar Toseef and Kostas Pentikousis, "Implementation of C-BAS: Certificate-based AAA for SDN Experimental Facilities", Proc. IEEE NCCA 2015, Munich, Germany, June 2015.
##Acknowledgement This work has been partially funded by the Commission of the European Union within the framework of the FP7 projects ALIEN (www.fp7-alien.eu) and FELIX (www.ict-felix.eu).
##Wiki Please refer to wiki section for installation and usage instructions.