- Fork this repository.
- Use the recipes from your recipe book in a previous Typography class to make a responsive website.
- This is a typography project—the type is the most important. But don’t forget it also has to be a fully responsive website.
- Code a homepage for the recipe book that also has the contents list.
- Code 4 different recipes as responsive webpages.
- Run it through Markbot and make sure it passes all the checks.
- Good font pairings
- Proper hierarchy
- Good vertical rhythm
All the things expected of you for all Typography projects.
Markbot’s expectations are fairly open. It expects code best practices, Git best practices, good semantics, basic accessibility, basic performance.
- A favicon
Drop this folder into your Markbot application. Make sure to fix all the errors.
- Upload the assignment to GitHub and make sure it works
- Submit the GitHub URL to your Typography teacher