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helper: Plugin Annotations

Luck edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 1 revision

With helper, you can automagically create the standard plugin.yml files at compile time using annotation processing.

Simply annotate your main class with @Plugin and fill in the name and version. The processor will take care of the rest!

@Plugin(name = "MyPlugin", version = "1.0.0")
public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {


The annotation also supports defining load order, setting a description and website, and defining (soft) dependencies. Registering commands and permissions is not necessary with helper, as ExtendedJavaPlugin provides a method for registering these at runtime.

        name = "MyPlugin",
        version = "1.0",
        description = "A cool plugin",
        load = PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP,
        authors = {"Luck", "Some other guy"},
        website = "",
        depends = {@PluginDependency("Vault"), @PluginDependency(value = "ASpecialPlugin", soft = true)},
        loadBefore = {"SomePlugin", "SomeOtherPlugin"}
public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
