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📄 Content Settings

Alexander Bilz edited this page Jan 7, 2023 · 5 revisions

Setting up Post Thumbnails

Thumbnails can be enabled easily by setting the thumbnail parameter in the frontmatter of a post to an image such as "images/landscape.jpg".

tags = [
thumbnail= "images/landscape.jpg"

Make sure to put the image in the static/images/ directory.

Using a Static Page as your Home Page

If you prefer having a static page as your home page rather than a listing of the latest posts, then make sure you leave the mainSections parameter blank:

  mainSections = []

Put any content into the file located in the content directory. If you want, you can also have some static text and the posts below. In such case, simply keep the mainSections = ["post"] and put any static content in the

Enabling Read-more Links

You can enable read-more links for truncated posts by setting the readMore = true. The length of the preview is controlled by Hugo's summarylength. Read-more links are disabled by default.

  readMore = true

Renaming your Post Section

If you want to have a different post section identifier, such as /blog, you can specify the section name using postSectionName:

  postSectionName = "blog"

If the parameter is not set, it will default to post. Be sure to check the name of the folder containing your post files and change it accordingly in order for links to reflect the new post section name.

Showing the Full Post Content on the Home Page

If you prefer the full content of your posts to appear on the home page rather than a summary of each post, then set the parameter fullPostContent to true.

fullPostContent = true

Enabling Math Functions (Katex, Mathjax)

## Math settings
enable = false  # options: true, false. Enable math support globally, default: false. You can always enable math on per page.
use = "katex"  # options: "katex", "mathjax". default is "katex".

Enabling the Mermaid Diagram

The mermaid diagram functionality needs to be globally enabled within the params.toml by adding the following code snippet.

enable = true

A simple Mermaid diagram can be created by adding the following code block to your page or post:

graph TD;

Setting up External Redirect URLs

You can create pages which redirect to another (external) URL with a short delay. This can be useful for migrating previously indexed URLs, which no longer exist, or for communicating complex external URLs to your readers.

You will have to define a redirectUrl in the markdown header of the post or page, which you want to forward. An example can be found in the The page will be automatically redirected with a delay of one second.

Additionally, you can include the {{% loading %}} shortcode, which will display a spinner on the page that will be redirected. If it does not display, make sure that unsafe mode is enabled for markup.goldmark.renderer.

Adding a Table of Contents

You can enable a table of contents on a per post basis by adding the following parameter into the front matter of the posts you want the table of contents to appear on.

toc = true

Please note that only "## H2 Headings" and "### H3 Headings" will appear in the table of contents.

Post Series

You can enable series, which allows splitting up a considerable post into a set of multiple blog posts that are still linked. This would also provide a unique link to the full series of blog posts. Each individual post in the series will also contain links to the other parts under the heading Posts in this Series.

First, we need to enable the series taxonomy in the config.

    category = "categories"
    series = "series"
    tag = "tags"

With this enabled, we can now proceed to specify the series in the Front Matter of each post of that series.

series: - series-name

If you want to share the full series, you can do so by sharing the link <base-url>/series/<series-name>

Enable Related Posts

Related posts are pages (identified by Hugo) with similar content by the Front Matter parameters.

To enable a list of related pages added after the page content, add this to your [params] section:

relatedPosts = true
numberOfRelatedPosts = 3

The parameter numberOfRelatedPosts controls the number of related pages that will be linked.

To configure the related posts more granularly, check out the official documntation, which explains everything in great detail. A good starting point would be to add the following configuration to your config:

  includeNewer = true
  threshold = 80
  toLower = true
  name = 'keywords'
  weight = 100
  name = 'tags'
  weight = 80

Where ìncludeNewer = true includes pages newer than the current page in the related content listing.

Showing a Warning for outdated content

You can provide an outdated warning for viewers reading posts older than a certain number of days. This is useful if your posts have time-sensitive information that may become incorrect over time.

Enable the warning in the configuration and specify the duration (in days):

oldContentWarning = true
oldContentDuration = 365

You can optionally override the trigger duration on a given post by adding the following parameter in the front matter:

old_content_duration: 0

A duration of 0 disables the warning.

By default, this warning only shows on posts. You can override this behavior by setting the old_content_duration parameter in the front matter of pages you want this warning to be displayed on.

Adding Twitter Cards Information

In order to use the full functionality of Twitter cards, you will have to define a couple of settings in the config.toml and the frontmatter of a page.

In the config.toml you can configure your Twitter handle and a site feature image. The image will be displayed if no image is defined in the frontmatter of a page.

  twitter = "lxndrblz"

  images = ["images/site-feature-image.png"]

To define a custom image for a page, you will have to add the following to the frontmatter of a post.

images = ["images/post-cover.png"]