Running Python unit tests (all tests from file or single test). Also running last test.
Support Linux, OS X and Windows.
- Taras Lyapun (
You can install plugin through Sublime Package Control, or manually:
Go to your Sublime Text 2 Packages
- OS X:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages
- Linux:
and clone the repository using the command below:
git clone PythonTestRunner
You can set plugin settings and project level, because, probably, you need different settings for different projects.
You must add section "python_test_runner" into "settings" section. And you can specify:
"test_command" - by default is "nosetests".
"test_root" - by default you project root.
"before_test" - before test hook (eg activate env)
"after_test" - after test hook (ag deactivate env)
"test_delimeter" - delimeter which separates test file and test class. E.g. for nosetests is ":", for django default test runner: ".".
- Run single python test:
for Linux and Windows) - Run all python tests from current file:
for Linux and Windows) - Run last python test:
for Linux and Windows)
Also you can run tests from context menu, sublime menu (Tools), or command palette.
For a single test run, test methods must follow the convention where the name starts with 'test.' Running all tests in the current file doesn't have this limitation.
"path": "TestProject"
"before_test": ". .env/bin/activate",
"after_test": "deactivate",
"test_root": "/Path/To/Project",
"test_delimeter": ":",
"test_command": "make test test="
On Windows, using the default python testrunner, the settings part would look something like
"before_test": "D:\\VirtualEnv\\Scripts\\activate.bat",
"after_test": "deactivate",
"test_root": "D:\\Path\\To\\Project",
"test_command": "python -m unittest ",
"test_delimeter": "."