MSVC v143
ReHLDS or higher
ReGameDLL or higher
- Remove STUCK on the ramp (when you surf with high fps you are stucked)
Previously, any duels on the surf were without any plugins
This plugin will have a judge will can do start the duel, stop and give the round to duelists as well
- Give round to player
- Take round from player
- Backup round (returns the score of the game in need round)
- Give Win to player
- Pause\Unpuase the duel
- Aborting duel
- The "resign" system, the player can surrender at any time
- The system of waiting for the player (in case the Internet turned off or for anything)
Preview judge menu
Surf Speedrun Timer
Speedrun Timer. Instead of a big kz-arg plugin, there will be a simple timer with saving the results and outputting it to MOTD
Will works with box-zones
Just clone this repo
git clone
In Visual Studio 2022 i have pre and post building events. Change these for yourself
Path: ".\SurfMod\include\buildevents"
Event pre_shutdown_server is shutdown server (hlds.exe process kill)
tasklist /fi "imagename eq hlds.exe" |find ":" > nul
if errorlevel 1 (taskkill /f /im "hlds.exe")
Event post_startserver you need change path everthere because ur path 100% diff
cd C:\Users\mEl\Desktop\Surf-Mod-mm\Release
set "outputFile=SurfMod_mm.dll"
set "copyPath=C:\Users\mEl\Desktop\CS_SERVER_1_9_AMX\cstrike\addons\SurfMod\dlls"
if exist %copyPath% (copy %outputFile% %copyPath%) else (echo "something wrong")
set "hldsParam=-console -game cstrike -secure -pingboost 3 -master +port 27017 +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 16 +sys_ticrate 512"
set "hldsPath=C:\Users\mEl\Desktop\CS_SERVER_1_9_AMX"
if exist %hldsPath% (start /min /d "%hldsPath%" hlds.exe %hldsParam%)
Also you can delete events.
In SurfMod.vcxproj file tags <PostBuildEvent> and <PreBuildEvent>
Or use path Project -> Properties -> Build Events
- Remove Surf stuck
- Surf Duel System
- Box zones (anti camp, start zone instead of a button, etc) (didn't start)
- Speedrun Timer for sr maps (special maplist) (didn't start)
Based on MathBot (by SmileYzn) and super-speedrun (by Lopol2010)