Virtual machine with installed OS from RedHat family (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora) with the following software installed:
- python3
- ansible
- docker/podman
- cockpit behind nginx reverse proxy
VM should be prepared and configured using IaaC tools (preferably Vagrant/Terraform, Ansible) - we should be able to recreate this VM with the same configuration in our environment by just using configuration files prepared by the candidate.
The project should have a simple README explaining how to set up the VM from scratch.
see prerequisites
Cockipt page hidden behind nginx reverse proxy will be available at
Certificate is self-signed, so web browsers have full right to complain!
Machine with Linux or Windows + Windows Subsystem for Linux enabled
Installed and executables added to PATH:
- vagrant
- virtualbox
- ansible
For Windows subsystem for Linux, vagrant and ansible are installed in WSL, Virtualbox on Windows - this means that Windows path to Virtualbox e.g. /c/Program\ Files/Oracle/Virtualbox needs to be in PATH.
- For WSL2 additional plugin is required:
vagrant plugin install virtualbox_WSL2
- Place your public key in openssh format into files directory as
Key will allow ssh connection to VM as user vagrant
If you want, you can customize variables in variable file
Add <<VM_NAME>> to /etc/hosts so it can be resolved to whatever IP address is assigned to VM i.e.:
- Windows Subsystem for Linux by default mounts C drive without 'metadata' flag - therefore setting proper permissions for private key is not possible. Please either clone repo in linux filesystem (eg. /home/user) or make sure metadata flag is present:
$ sudo vim /etc/wsl.conf
enabled = true
root = /
options = "metadata"
mountFsTab = true
and restart wsl.
- Virtualbox enforces hostonly ip range to Valid ranges can be modified in the /etc/vbox/networks.conf file. (For both WSL and Linux).