This repo is deprecated.
From 3rd May, 2022, the headless documentation is now managed directly by the Documentation team. If you want to contribute to the headless docs, head on down to the new repository.
Uses Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.
Uses Redoc for the 'API Explorer'.
Deployed on Netlify.
$ npm install
$ npm run start
This command starts a local development server and open up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
$ npm run build
This command generates static content into the build
directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.
Redoc generates the 'API Explorer' based on an OpenAPI specification.
The /src/pages/api-explorer.js
page has an IFRAME which loads /static/redoc-static.html
. (IFRAME was chosen because using the redoc React component resulted in borked styling. Ideally, the Redoc build would happen as a part of the docs build, but not the case now.)
The OpenAPI spec used is in /static/openapi-delivery-api.yaml/
For development / AKA working on the OpenAPI spec, From the command line, in the static
directory, run:
redoc-cli serve openapi-delivery-api.yaml --watch --port 8088 --options.theme.colors.primary.main=#599900
To build the redoc-static.html
file which is used in the docs, run:
redoc-cli bundle openapi-delivery-api.yaml --options.theme.colors.primary.main=#599900
Source code for JS Libraries: