OpenFIPS201 v1.0.0-beta6 - Patch release
This is a public release of OpenFIPS201. Although tested, it is currently still marked as 'beta' and will remain so until it passes NIST PIV accreditation, after which it will be released as 'v1.0.0-final'. This is to give an opportunity to correct any issues that may come out of the accreditation process.
The attached file contains the following contents:
- bin - The generated CAP files for this revision (one production, one with FEATURE_PIV_TEST_VECTORS set to true which must NOT be used in production!)
- javadoc - The generated documentation including embedded source
- scripts - Default pre-personalisation and test personalisation scripts
- test - The output from PIV Test Runner
- wiki - The contents of the wiki repository
- Patches issue #2 (GeneralAuthenticate - RSA signature clobbering)