Dockercloud is a Node.js library for Docker Cloud API.
npm install dockercloud
You need to instantiate a new instance to use this class:
import DockerCloud from 'dockercloud'
const dockerCloud = new DockerCloud('username', 'password')
All methods return promises.
This method connects the application to DockerCloud and listen for events. You must call this method before using the waitUntil* methods.
await dockerCloud.connect()
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('stackId')
await dockerCloud.waitUntilStackIsTerminated(stack)
This method disconnects the application from DockerCloud without any returned response.
The value returned by the promise will be a list of the stacks in your account.
const stacks = await dockerCloud.queryStacks()
The value returned by the promise will be the stack with the id passed.
try {
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('stackId')
// Do something with the stack
} catch (error) {
// If the error is empty the stack isn't found (404)
Same as findStackById, but if the stack isn't found instead of rejection the promise resolves returning nothing
Create a new stack
await dockerCloud.createStack({
name: 'human readable name',
nickname: 'optional nickname',
services: [{
"name": "hello-word",
"image": "tutum/hello-world",
"target_num_containers": 2
Remove a stack; the parameter is the stack object.
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('uuid')
Start a stack; the parameter is the stack object.
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('uuid')
Get the services connected to a stack; the parameter is the stack object.
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('uuid')
const services = dockerCloud.getStackServices(stack)
Wait until a stack is terminated
await dockerCloud.connect()
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('stackId')
await dockerCloud.waitUntilStackIsTerminated(stack)
Wait until a stack is running
await dockerCloud.connect()
const stack = await dockerCloud.findStackById('stackId')
await dockerCloud.waitUntilStackIsRunning(stack)
The value returned by the promise will be the service with the id passed.
try {
const stack = await dockerCloud.findServiceById('serviceId')
} catch (error) {
// If the error is empty the service isn't found (404)
Same as findServiceById, but if the service isn't found instead of rejection the promise resolves returning nothing
Create a new service
await dockerCloud.createService({
image: "tutum/hello-world",
name: "Optional name",
target_num_containers: 2, // Optional, default 1
run_command: "/", // Optional, The command used to start the containers of this service, overriding the value specified in the image. (default: null)
entrypoint: "/usr/sbin/sshd", // Optional, The command prefix used to start the containers of this service, overriding the value specified in the image. (default: null)
container_ports: [{ // Optional, An array of objects with port information to be published in the containers for this service, which will be added to the image port information. (default: [])
protocol: "tcp",
inner_port: 80,
outer_port: 80,
published: false
container_envvars: [{ // Optional, An array of objects with environment variables to be added in the service containers on launch (overriding any image-defined environment variables). (default: [])
value: "mypass"
linked_to_service: [{ // Optional, An array of service resource URIs to link this service to, including the link name. (default: [])
to_service: "/api/app/v1/service/80ff1635-2d56-478d-a97f-9b59c720e513/",
name: "db"
bindings: [{ // Optional, An array of bindings this service has to mount. (default: [])
volumes_from: "/api/app/v1/service/80ff1635-2d56-478d-a97f-9b59c720e513/",
container_path: "",
rewritable: true,
host_path: ""
autorestart: "OFF", // Optional, Whether the containers for this service should be restarted if they stop, i.e. ALWAYS (default: OFF, possible values: OFF, ON_FAILURE, ALWAYS)
autodestroy: "OFF", // Optional, Whether the containers should be terminated if they stop, i.e. OFF (default: OFF, possible values: OFF, ON_SUCCESS, ALWAYS)
sequential_deployment: false, // Optional, Whether the containers should be launched and scaled in sequence. (default: false)
roles: ["global"], // Optional, A list of Docker Cloud API roles to grant the service
privileged: false, // Optional, Whether to start the containers with Docker’s privileged flag set or not
deployment_strategy: "EMPTIEST_NODE", // Optional, Container distribution among nodes
tags: ["tag1","tag2"],
autoredeploy: false, // Optional, Whether to redeploy the containers of the service when its image is updated in Docker Cloud registry. (default: false)
net: "bridge", // Optional, possible values: bridge, host
pid: "host", // Optional, Set the PID (Process) Namespace mode for the containers. (default: none)
working_dir: "/var/app/", // Optional, Working directory for running binaries within a container of this service. (default: /)
nickname: "Optional nickname"
Remove a service; the parameter is the service object.
const service = await dockerCloud.findServiceById('uuid')
Start a service; the parameter is the service object.
const service = await dockerCloud.findServiceById('uuid')
Redeploy a service; the parameter is the service object.
const service = await dockerCloud.findServiceById('uuid')
Get the containers connected to a service; the parameter is the service object.
const service = await dockerCloud.findServiceById('uuid')
const containers = dockerCloud.getServiceContainers(service)
The value returned by the promise will be the container with the id passed.
try {
const stack = await dockerCloud.findContainerById('containerId')
} catch (error) {
// If the error is empty the container isn't found (404)
Wait until a container is stopped
await dockerCloud.connect()
const container = await dockerCloud.findContainerById('containerId')
await dockerCloud.waitUntilContainerIsStopped(container)
The value returned by the promise will be the action with the id passed.
try {
const stack = await dockerCloud.findActionById('actionId')
} catch (error) {
// If the error is empty the action isn't found (404)
Wait until an action is successful
await dockerCloud.connect()
const action = await dockerCloud.findActionById('actionId')
await dockerCloud.waitUntilActionIsSuccess(action)
Extract the UUID from an URL
const uuuid = dockerCloud.extractUuid('/api/app/v1/action/7c42003e-eb39-4adc-b5b9-cbb7607fc698/')
uuuid === '7c42003e-eb39-4adc-b5b9-cbb7607fc698'