Unity Mesh Importer is a utility that applies modifiers to its meshes at the time of importing a 3d model.
Combine - allows you to combine two arrays of UV coordinates into one array (provided that these two are two-dimensional). The X and Y fields of the second array will be written to the Z and W fields of the first array. The second array will be cleared.
Manual - allows you to write a specific value to any mesh array. This will allow it to be used, for example, as an origin point.
Mesh - allows you to transfer data from an external mesh to this mesh. For example, you can replace the Tangent array of this mesh with the Normal array of another mesh.
Collapse - сoncatenates all untouched UV arrays in this mesh. This parameter depends on the generateSecondaryUV value in the model import settings.
Bounds - allows you to set the position and size of the bounds of this mesh. Useful in case you are animating a mesh and it goes beyond the original boundaries, which can lead to the camera clipping the render.
To apply import modifiers to a mesh, it is necessary to select not the model object in the project, but the mesh itself inside it. This utility overrides the default Mesh Inspector behavior.
To combine all untouched UV arrays in all meshes in the project, there is a corresponding option in the project settings.This utility stores import settings in the meta file. If there are any errors, then remove the line userData: ... from the meta" file.