To program the ATmega1284P, install download AVROSP.
This guide assumes that you have AVROSP added to your PATH.
When you first plug in the board
Hold RESET and SW0
Let go of RESET
Let go of SW0
In the terminal, enter the command "mode comx baud=57600 parity=n data=8". Replace the "x" in "comx" with the COM port that your board is plugged into. This can be found in the "Device Manager" on windows (AVR only supports COM ports 1-8)
In the folder where your .hex file is, run the following command: "AVROSP -dATmega1284P -cCOMx -pf -vf -if "filename.hex" -e".
Install Atmel Studio 7
From fresh code: Download TH3D Firmware Unzip into a folder of your choice, now referred to as "%TH3D DIRECTORY%"
New -> Project -> Create Project From Arduino Sketch
Create a new folder somewhere and select it
Sketch File:"%TH3D DIRECTORY%\TH3DUF_R2\Firmware\TH3DUF_R2\TH3DUF_R2.ino"
Arduino IDE Path: "%TH3D DIRECTORY%\TH3DUF_R2\Windows Arduino"
To find the Marlin Code: see Arduino Core -> include -> variants