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GitHub Action

Source to Image Build


Source to Image Build


Source to Image Build

Build a container image from source code


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Source to Image Build

uses: redhat-actions/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in redhat-actions/s2i-build

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s2i-build is a Github Action to build OCI-compatible container images from source code.

Source-to-Image (S2I) is a toolkit and workflow for building reproducible container images from source code. S2I produces images by injecting source code into a base S2I container image and letting the container prepare that source code for execution. The base S2I container images contain the language runtime and build tools needed for building and running the source code.

This Action will install the latest version of S2I.

To install any specific version of s2i use openshift-tools-installer. NOTE: s2i-build only works on Linux platforms, because it relies on the Docker daemon.
If you are using GitHub's Ubuntu runners, the Docker daemon will already be available. Otherwise, you can use docker-setup-buildx to set up and start the Docker daemon.

Also see buildah-build for more configurable method of building images, from scratch or from a Dockerfile.

Once an image has been built, push-to-registry can be used to push it to an image registry.

Action Inputs

Input Name Description Default
builder_image The path of the S2I builder image. A curated list of builder images can be found here. Required
env_vars List of environment variable key-value pairs to pass to the S2I builder context. (eg. key=value, mysecret=${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}). None
image Name to give to the output image. Required
tags The tags of the image to build. For multiple tags, separate by a space. For example, latest ${{ github.sha }} latest
log_level Log level when running S2I. Can be 0 (least verbose) to 5 (most verbose). 1
path_context The location of the path to run S2I from. This should be the path where your source code is stored. .
include_git Include all files during the S2I build including the .git folder. Set to true to enable. false

Action Outputs

image: The name of the built image.
For example, spring-image.

tags: A list of the tags that were created, separated by spaces.
For example, latest v1.

Builder Images

Please refer to this curated list of well maintained builder images.

Many more images can be found under sclorg.


Below is an example end to end workflow to build and push a Java application image using s2i-build.

# This workflow builds a container image of a java
# application using the source to image build strategy,
# and pushes the image to

    IMAGE_NAME: my-java-app
    TAGS: v1 ${{ github.sha }}

  - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v2

  # Setup S2i and Build container image
  - name: Setup and Build
    id: build_image
    uses: redhat-actions/s2i-build@v2
      path_context: '.'
      # Builder image for a java project
      builder_image: ''
      image: ${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}
      tags: ${{ env.TAGS }}

  # Push Image to Quay registry
  - name: Push To Quay Action
    uses: redhat-actions/push-to-registry@v2
      image: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.image }}
      tags: ${{ steps.build_image.outputs.tags }}
      registry:${{ secrets.QUAY_USERNAME }}
      username: ${{ secrets.QUAY_USERNAME }}
      password: ${{ secrets.QUAY_PASSWORD }}