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GitHub Action

uptodate - Keep your repository up to date.


uptodate - Keep your repository up to date.


uptodate - Keep your repository up to date.

Keep your repo 'uptodate' by creating issues if a dependency updates


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: uptodate - Keep your repository up to date.

uses: fischerscode/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in fischerscode/uptodate

Choose a version

CI on release

You can use Updater either as a command line tool or an GitHub Action


Updater V0.3 Action

This action helps you to keep your repository up to date, by creating issues as soon as your dependencies changed.


  1. Create a workflow like this:
name: uptodate

    - cron: "0 0 * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # You have to check out your repo first.
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: fischerscode/[email protected]
          # The location of the config file.
          # Defaults to '.uptodate.yaml'
          config: ''

          # The token used for creating issues.
          # Defaults to ${{ github.token }}
          token: ''

          # The target repository for new issues.
          # Defaults to ${{ github.repository }}
          repository: ''
  1. Create the config file .uptodate.yaml (Documentation).

Tagger as a command line tool

Prebuilt executables can be found here.


A tool that helps you to keep your repository up to date.

Usage: uptodate <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help                Print this usage information.
-f, --file (mandatory)    The config file.

Available commands:
  check     Check the dependencies in the config file for updates.
  github    Check for updates and create issues in your GitHub repository.
  version   Print uptodate version.

Run "uptodate help <command>" for more information about a command.


Uptodate is configured using a single file where all the dependencies and their currently used versions are stored in.

Config file

dependencies:   # The unsorted list containing the dependencies.
  - name: testdependency        # The name of the dependency
    type: typ                   # The type of the dependency
    currentVersion: 1.2.3       # The current version of the dependency
    issueLabels:                # The labels added to the issue
      - dependencies
      - test
defaultIssueTitle: "Update $name to $latestVersion"     # The default issue title
defaultIssueBody: "Update $name to $latestVersion"      # The default issue body

In defaultIssueTitle and defaultIssueBody the following variables are allowed:

  • $name: the name of the dependency
  • $currentVersion: the current version of the dependency
  • $latestVersion: the latest available version

Using issueTitle every dependency can be override defaultIssueTitle. Using issueBody every dependency can be override defaultIssueBody.

Dependency types

There are multiple dependency types.

Web dependency Json web dependency Yaml web dependency GitHub dependency Helm dependency

Web dependency

An url gets called to receive the latest version of the dependency.

  - name: testdependency        # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: web                   # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: 1.2.3       # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    url: ''   # The url that gets called. (required)

Json web dependency

An url gets called to receive a json document containing the latest version.

  - name: testdependency          # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: webjson                 # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: 1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    url: ''     # The url that gets called. (required)
    path: args.versions.0.version # The path to the latest version. (defaults to '')
    prefix: v                     # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                  # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                  # Defaults to ''

Yaml web dependency

An url gets called to receive a (single) yaml document containing the latest version.

  - name: testdependency          # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: webyaml                 # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: 1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    url: ''     # The url that gets called. (required)
    path: args.versions.0.version # The path to the latest version. (defaults to '')
    prefix: v                     # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                  # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                  # Defaults to ''

GitHub dependency

Uses a GitHub repository to receive the latest version. The version is gathered from the latest (non pre-)release (or tag) that has the right prefix.

  - name: gitdependency            # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: github                   # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: v1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    repo: 'fischerscode/uptodate'  # The repository. (required)
    isTag: true                    # Wether the version is determined by the latest
                                   # tag rather then release (defaults to false)
    path: tag_name                 # The path to the latest version. (defaults to tag_name)
    prefix: v                      # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                   # Is set, releases/tags not matching the prefix are ignored.
                                   # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                   # Defaults to ''

Helm dependency

Uses a Helm repository to receive the latest version. The version is gathered from by the yaml path.

  - name: helmdependency           # The name of the dependency. (required)
    type: helm                     # The type of the dependency. (required)
    currentVersion: v1.2.3         # The current version of the dependency. (required)
    repo: ''  # The repository. (required)
    chart: traefik                      # The chart. (required)
    prefix: v                           # The prefix of the semantic versions. 
                                        # (v1.2.3 instead of 1.2.3)
                                        # Defaults to ''
    path: 'entries.traefik.0.version'   # The path to the latest version. (defaults to 'entries.$chart.0.version')