Simple and tested app that can be taken as a starting point for extending and building custom ecommerce site with Python / Django.
This project was created for learning / demo purposes.
- Demo is hosted on free Heroku account.
- Static files are hosted on Amazon S3 with CloudFlare for CDN.
- Products
- Category
- Cart
- User Accounts
- Checkout (Supports Guest Checkout and Logged User Account Checkout)
- Orders
- Mailing (Order Confirmation)
- REST API endpoints for Cart App
- Static files (sass, css, js) bundling and management is done via Webpack.
- Python >= 3.6.1
- Django >= 1.10.5
- django-webpack-loader >= 0.4.1
- easy_thumbnails >= 2.3
- django-filer >= 1.2.6
- django-mptt >= 0.8.7
- django-crispy-forms >= 1.6.1
- django-storages >= 1.5.2
- djangorestframework >= 3.6.3