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EnCoMPASS is a project of the 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education, Mathematical Thinking, and Drexel University.


Install Single Signon App


Note: these procedures have the general prerequisites for all three apps required to run Encompass, as well as the specific installations to install the mt-sso Single Signon App.

Install Virtual Math Teams


Install Ember CLI

Ember CLI npm install ember-cli # note if -g desired, may need sudo

Install Encompass

set up ssh keys in github

ssh access to github

cd <code directory>
git clone [email protected]:mathematicalthinking/encompass.git

Running / Development

Note: for troubleshooting MongoDB see mt-sso

  • On M1 Mac start MongoDB mongod --config /opt/homebrew/etc/mongod.conf
  • On Intel Mac start MongoDB mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
  • start mt-sso npm run start (in mt-sso directory)
  • start vmt (optional) npm run dev (in vmt/server)
  • npm run dev (in encompass)
  • Visit your app at http://localhost:8081.

Branching Strategy

  • develop is the default branch for this repo. all PR's go through develop first for integration
  • all feature branches should originate from develop and merge back into develop
  • is the deployment for develop
  • is the deployment for main

Running Tests

  • in /mt-sso: npm run test
  • npm run test
  • npm run selenium --test=[filename] (if ran without filename, will run e2e test for entire application ~20 min)
  • see in /test


If you run into the following error while running tests: "WebDriverException: unknown error: cannot find Chrome binary"

Ports (see app_server/config.js)

  • dev server: 8080
  • dev client: 8081
  • test server: 8082
  • test client: 8083


  • There is one .env for the entire project
  • Switch block in app_server/server.js picks out required variables

Client /app

EnCOMPASS uses Ember for the client and was recently migrated to Ember Octane from v2.14. Portions are not fully migrated.


  1. teacher creates a class/section ("class" is a reserve word in JS, so "section" refers to a teacher's class)
  2. teacher add students to class/section and creates subgroups in class
  3. teacher creates assignment with linked workspaces and parent workspace for students to complete
  4. students submit answers to problem, answers are populated in linked workspaces and parent workspace
  5. teacher and students review submissions in


Ember is switching to Glimmer for its component engine. Components that have their templates (.hbs files) in app/components have been migrated. Their classes (.js files) will look like native JS classes. Components with templates in app/templates/components have not been migrated and still use Classic Ember component classes. I tried to combine similar components when possible.

  • admin-problem-filter and admin-workspace-filter could be comined
  • problem-filter and workspace-filter could be combined


usage of mixins (found in app/mixins) are deprecated - they still work for classic components but should be refactored away

  1. user session info is accessed in one of two ways:
  • using the route model: const currentUser = this.modelFor('application') and passing it as an attribute to child components
  • a service called currentUser found in app/service/currentUser. called in the app with @service currentUser, the user is accessed with this.currentUser.user
  1. error_handling_mixin is now a Glimmer component to be extended by other components (see add-create-student.js)

  2. some mixins simply are no longer used


Ember has opinionated routing. All routes are found in app/router.js. Each route found there corresponds to a file in app/routes/ e.g. corresponds to app/routes/workspaces and corresponds to app/routes/workspace/submissions/submission.js (see resetNamespace in router.js)

Each route has a corresponding template that gets rendered. It should be in the corresponding place in app/templates e.g. app/templates/workspaces. A route might have a controller to handle user interaction at the route level, found in the corresponding location in app/controllers. These behave slightly differently than components, but can basically be treated like a component.

  • the workspaces route is the most complicated:
  1. the user clicks a link to /workspaces/:id/work
  2. if no submissions, reroute to /workspaces/:id/info and finish, otherwise reroute to /workspaces/:id/submissions/first
  3. find the most recent submission in the workspace and route to /workspaces/:id/submissions/:id_of_first_submission


Libraries that are not managed by npm are added in the /vendor directory and configured into the bundle in /ember-cli-build.js including:

  1. selectize input library (see app/components/selectize-input.js)
  2. typeahead library (see app/components/twitter-typeahead.js)
  3. selection libraries (vendor/image-tagging.js and vendor/selection-highlighting.js) that are used in app/components/workspace-submission.js


Ember's template library only allows simple logical checks. For more complex logic, you can use helper functions found in app/helpers and appear in templates as {{<helper-name> arg1 arg2 arg3 ...}} ex: {{format-date workspace.createDate 'YYYY-MM-DD'}} uses format-date.js and returns workspace.createDate in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.

Ember Data

  • ember data makes requests to <host>/api/<route>
  • responses must be formatted to ember data's specifications

Server /app_server

EnCOMPASS uses an express.js server. The Ember client wouldn't allow a directory called /server, so /app_server is the solution


  • routes are found in /app_server/datasource/api
  • all routes are imported to /app_server/datasource/api/index.js and exported as a single module of GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods
  • module is imported to /app_server/server.js


  • npm run lint:hbs
  • npm run lint:js
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix


See private docs.

Further Reading / Useful Links