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Code to UML Diagram

Why ?


How ?

Data structure:

abstract class FileContent

(Define how content read from file is stored)

  • concrete class TextFileContent
  • concrete class CSVFileContent
  • concrete class JSONFileContent
  • concrete class XMLFileContent

(Keep track of positioning information of our parsing code process.)

abstract class Token

(Contain information about each token of our language)

  • concrete class ArrowToken
  • concrete class ActorToken ....

class UMLGraph

Contain information about our uml diagram relationships

interface Converter

  • Define a template to convert a file content to uml diagram (Template design pattern):
    • Read file and get its content.
    • Create a lexer parse the content into list of tokens.
    • Create parser convert these tokens into a graph.
    • Convert the graph to uml diagram.

--> Others can freely create their own Converter


class Reader (define how content is read with different file formats)
    - Read file module applied Flexible object (format - stategy to read). 
    - Input: file name
    - Output: instance of FileContent
    - Use Strategy design pattern to read the file (based on its extension).
--> Others can freely create a Reader for new file format

Parse code:

Create class Lexer parse codes to tokens:
    - Input: Code content (FileContent)
    - Output: List of tokens 
    - For applying Visitor pattern, we use FileContent concrete classes as visitors
    - Has different overload parse methods for every FileContent concrete class

Create class Parser parse list of tokens into a graph represent our diagrams:
    - Input: List of tokens
    - Output: A graph:
        - Node: Actor, usecase, class
        - Edges: Different kinds of arrow

Export to UML diagram

Add to_uml method to UMLGraph to export a graph in DOT language with graphviz.
