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Python package to create line drawings of genomic comparison 'webs'/'hive plots'


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Genome Web


A Python script to create Genomic Webs based on percentage identity.



Requires Python 2.7 or 3.x. Originally built in 2.7, but have added 3.x compatibility. Tested with 2.7 and 3.6.

Download and install BLAST from (tested with blast-2.7.1+)

If using an installer, it should automatically prepend the system path.

If the following libraries are not already installed, run the following command from a Terminal/Command Prompt:

pip install numpy colorcet svgwrite svgutils

If using Python 2.7.x, the following may also need to be installed:

pip install future

(pip should be installed by default with Python)

Install the scripts:

  • Download and unzip this repository.
  • Navigate to the download directory and open a Terminal/Command Prompt/PowerShell here (Shift + Right-click on Windows gives the option for this)
  • Run the install script:

On UNIX-based systems:

./ install

On any platform:

python install


import genomeweb

		'genome3.fna'],		# can be a list of arbitrary length
	'reference_genome.fna',		# can be any genome (only necessary when re-indexing)
	**options)			# see list of available options below

If BLAST cannot be found on the system path, set it explicitly before running:

genomeweb.blast.BLAST_PATH = path/to/NCBI/blast-x.x.x+/bin

An svgutils.transform.SVGFigure is returned for any annotations to be made post plot completion. See svgutils for full documentation.

Necessary Arguments

    Name               Type     Description
    genome_array       list     list of paths to genomes                

Standard Options

    reference_genome   str      path to reference to order contigs
                                by (required if reorder=True)
    reference_genome   list     list of reference genomes (matched
                                against genome_array)
    working_directory  str      path to scratch space for program
                                to write files
    out_file           str      path to output SVG file
    include_referecne  bool     include referecne genome in
                                resulting map                            
    reorder            bool     reorder contigs against reference
    palette            str      color palette to use from 
                                colorcet.palette, e.g. "bgy"
    palette            list     custom palette with list of colors
                                to use e.g. ["#000000", "red"]. See
                                svgwrite for colors accepted.
    add_labels         bool     add labels to axes
    label_offset       float    label offset, 1.0-1.5 should be
                                fine, default = 1.1
    inner_radius       int      inner-shell radius (% of size) 
    outer_radius       int      inner shell to outer-shell bounds
                                (% of size)
    matches_opts       dict     kwargs to parse to find matches 
                                function, such as %id cutoff value
                                (pid_cov) and minimum hit length
                                (hit_len) for use in filtering hits

Basic Geometry Options

    size               int      size of hive plot in px
    x                  int      x origin, default = 0
    y                  int      y origin, dafault = 0
    rotation           float    value in degrees to rotate all axes
                                by (clockwise direction)

Multi-panel Geometry Options

    append             bool     append output to existing SVG,
                                default to append is out_file
    append             str      file to append
    width              int      width of final SVG in px
    height             int      height of fnial SVG in px

Advanced Geometry Options

    dummy_axes         int      number of spacer axes to insert
                                (useful for pairwise comparisons)
    bezier_max_n       int      max number of genomes before
                                straight lines are used instead of
                                bezier curves (set to 0 for always
    source_angle       float    source angle for bezier curve
    target_angle       float    target angle for bezier curve

Color Palette Options

    palette_usage      float    decimal percent of palette spectrum
                                to use
    invert             bool     invert colors in palette
    flip               bool     use palette in reverse order

Advanced Options

    custom_font        str      full custom SVG text element for
                                labels e.g.
                                "font-size:12px; font-family:Arial;
    connection_opts    dict     dictionary of line options
    axes_opts          dict     dictionary of axes options
    reorder_opts       dict     kwargs to parse to reorder function
    svg_opts           dict     additional properties for base SVG
                                (see svgwrite for docs)

Additional Options (likely do not need to be altered)

    border_offset      int      distance from border, default
                                calculated automatically
    viewBox            tuple    viewBox for SVG, default
                                calculated automatically  

Example for editing match searching and filtering options

	files, ref,
		chunk=3000,		# query length of 3000 bp
		step=2000,		# step length of 2000 bp between queries
		pid_cov=85,		# filter out hits below 85 % identity
		hit_len=1200))		# filter out hits less than 1200 bp

CAUTION: keep filtering resonably high or drastically increase step length to increase speed, clarity and reduce file sizes

If adding connection or axes options, the defaults will all be overwritten.

Default connection options

connection_opts=dict(stroke_width='0.34', stroke_opacity='0.4')

Default axes options

axes_opts=dict(stroke='black', stroke_width='1')

Example for reorder_opts for increase reordering speed (similar set of options to match finding)

	files, ref,
		chunk=2000,		# query length of 2000 bp
		step=10000,		# step length of 10000 bp between queries
		short_ctgs=False))	# throws away contigs less than chunk size

Example for reorder_opts but retaining short contigs

	files, ref,
		chunk=2000,		# query length of 2000 bp
		step=10000,		# step length of 10000 bp between queries
		shortck=30,		# short contig query of 30 bp
		shortsp=200))		# short contig step of 200 bp

NOTE: if a hit for any position within a contig cannot be found, the whole contig will be discarded. Contigs will also be discarded if their length is below the minimum query size and when short contig searching is turned off (on by default).

If the query genome is very distant to the reference (i.e. no regions of homology - very unlikely), contig disposal can be completely turned off if reorder is set to False to prevent any sorting, but the resulting plot will have very few or no connections at all.

Adding Annotations to the Plot

import genomeweb as gw
import svgutils.transform as sg
fig = gw.create_web(genome_list, out_file='figure.svg', **options)
# e.g. add an "A" to the top left of the figure.
fig.append(sg.TextElement(0, 20, 'A', size=12))'figure.svg')

Creating Multi-panel Figures

# "width" is the final size with both panels (1000 for two adjacent 500px panels)
# "x" is the x anchor point for the panel
# "height" and "y" can be used in the same way
options = dict(out_file='figure.svg', size=500, width=1000, reorder=False)
# add first panel at 0,0 
gw.create_web(genome_list1, **options)
# add second panel at 500,0
gw.create_web(genome_list2, x=500, append=True, **options)

BLAST+ Search Options

For advanced users who wish to alter the default BLAST search options, command line options can be parsed directly to BLAST via key-word arguments in the matches_opts and reorder_opts dictionaries. For example:

	files, ref,
		word_size=15))		# appends "-word_size 15" to blast command

To run megablast, dicontiguous megablast or blastn, use option task= either megablast, dc-megablast or blastn. Default is blastn.

Below is a list of arguments that can be parsed to blastn. Do not alter query, db, out, outfmt or subject. The database path (db) can however be modified using the db_path="path" argument with make_db=False. This will then not automatically create a blast database, but will use the one specified. This is probably useless for the matches_opts as currenty only one custom database can be specified. It is intended for use in the reorder_opts, though this will also limit the user to one reference genome.

The number of threads to run blast on can be set using the num_threads=int option. Default is 4, though it will likely not fully leverage these over the short runtime.

To edit -max_hsps for full-length searches (not short-contig searching) use the l_max_hsps= option; default is 4. To edit this for short-contigs, just add max_hsps=val; default is not to include this and return all possible hsps.

For positional arguments with no value, e.g. -lcase_masking use lcase_masking=True to add the argument. In this instance, lower-case basepairs (typically low confidence sequences) are masked in the query and subject sequences .

Options for blastn:

  blastn [-h] [-help] [-import_search_strategy filename]
    [-export_search_strategy filename] [-task task_name] [-db database_name]
    [-dbsize num_letters] [-gilist filename] [-seqidlist filename]
    [-negative_gilist filename] [-entrez_query entrez_query]
    [-db_soft_mask filtering_algorithm] [-db_hard_mask filtering_algorithm]
    [-subject subject_input_file] [-subject_loc range] [-query input_file]
    [-out output_file] [-evalue evalue] [-word_size int_value]
    [-gapopen open_penalty] [-gapextend extend_penalty]
    [-perc_identity float_value] [-qcov_hsp_perc float_value]
    [-max_hsps int_value] [-xdrop_ungap float_value] [-xdrop_gap float_value]
    [-xdrop_gap_final float_value] [-searchsp int_value]
    [-sum_stats bool_value] [-penalty penalty] [-reward reward] [-no_greedy]
    [-min_raw_gapped_score int_value] [-template_type type]
    [-template_length int_value] [-dust DUST_options]
    [-filtering_db filtering_database]
    [-window_masker_taxid window_masker_taxid]
    [-window_masker_db window_masker_db] [-soft_masking soft_masking]
    [-ungapped] [-culling_limit int_value] [-best_hit_overhang float_value]
    [-best_hit_score_edge float_value] [-window_size int_value]
    [-off_diagonal_range int_value] [-use_index boolean] [-index_name string]
    [-lcase_masking] [-query_loc range] [-strand strand] [-parse_deflines]
    [-outfmt format] [-show_gis] [-num_descriptions int_value]
    [-num_alignments int_value] [-line_length line_length] [-html]
    [-max_target_seqs num_sequences] [-num_threads int_value] [-remote]

See NCBI for BLAST+ manual and here for all command line options explained. Use only if there is a good reason, otherwise defaults should work fine.

-perc_identity val (in BLAST) filtering will effectively be overriden by the pid_cov value (in match filtering post-blast) if pid_cov > perc_identity.

Theoretically, the blast protocol can be altered to use a different blast type by adding the b_type= argument: "blastp", "psiblast", "deltablast" or "tblastx" for protein sequences also adding the db_type="prot" argument to correctly make the databases. Cross-molecule searches are not supported: "tblastn" or "blastx". CAUTION: this is not tested.


If used for academic publications, please cite the following publications:

A Publication Comming Soon Here. In the meantime, please cite the GitHub page.

Camacho C., et al (2008) BLAST+: architecture and applications. BMC Bioinformatics 10:421. PubMed

Other Notes

The pyveplot2 module is a heavily modified version of pyveplot


See example script for generation of the following plots:

Plot with no contig re-indexing


Plot post contig re-indexing

three spoke

20 Just for fun


Multi-panel Example

See for source.


Pairwise Comparison

See script for options to create this.



Python package to create line drawings of genomic comparison 'webs'/'hive plots'








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