A simple toy language written in Python using Lark. Tsuki is designed to be similar to Lua syntax wise, however much simpler.
- Variables that map to Python representations
- Arrays, and tables (dictionaries)
- If statements
- Comments
-- Hello world in Tsuki
echo("Hello world")
-- Checking for conditions with if
manesix = ["Twilight", "Rarity", "Fluttershy", "Applejack", "Rainbow Dash", "Pinkie Pie"]
inwonderbolts = "true"
if find(manesix, "Rainbow Dash") ~= "nil" and inwonderbolts == "true" then
echo("Rainbow dash is in the Wonderbolts")
-- Tables are cool too!
princesses = {
"Twilight" -> "is the princess of friendship",
"Celestia" -> "raises the sun",
"Luna" -> "raises the moon"
echo("Celestia ")
what = find(princesses, "Celestia")
-- ...and heres a single line if statement!
if what ~= "raises the sun" then echo("Wrong pony") end