A repository containing my implementations of popular algorithms used in competitive programming and interviews
- Longest Bitonic Subarray
- Longest Increasing Subsequence using Patience Sort
- Maximum Subarray using Kadane
- Remove duplicates in sorted array
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Insertion sort
- Quicksort
- Mergesort
- Z algorithm
- Longest Palindromic substring using Manacher's algorithm
- Palindrome partitioning using Manacher
- Count character occurrences in sorted string
- Remove K consecutive same characters
- Insertion
- Deletion
- InOrder, PreOrder, PostOrder, LevelOrder traversal
- InOrder traversal using stack
- Search
- InOrder successor and predecessor
- Height of tree
- Diameter of tree
- Sum of nodes
- Lowest Common Ancestor
- N Queens
- 0/1 Knapsack
- stock price (leetcode problem)
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest common substring
- Edit Distance
- candles (atcoder problem)
- Graph insertion
- Dijkstra
- Kruskal
- Prims
- Topological sort
- Kahn's algorithm for topological sort
- Fox and Names codeforces 510/C using Kahn's algorithm
- Tarjan's algorithm for bridges and articulation points
- Ford-Fulkerson Edmond's-Karp Max Flow algorithm
- Segment Tree
- Trie
- hack1: basic stuff
- hack2: K'th bit
- hack3: rightmost set bit
- hack4: letters