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AcousticBrainz Android Client


To use the client, you need to add the acousticbrainz package as a gradle dependency.

  1. Github Package Registry requires authentication to access a package. Follow the official docs to generate an authentication token. You can store this authentiation token and your github username as system variables or in your a properties file in your project. Here is an example to the file at the root of the project append the following lines.

  1. To your project level build.gradle file, add the Github Maven Package Registry repo for this project.


maven {
	url = ''
	credentials {
		Properties properties = new Properties()
		username properties.getProperty('github.username')
		password properties.getProperty('github.token')
  1. To the module level build.gradle file of the module, you want to use acousticbrainz client with, add the following line.


implementation ''


The package exposes a single class, AcousticBrainzClient. AcousticBrainzClient autonmatically loads the necessary the native libraries. It exposes a static method extractData(String, String).

AcousticBrainzClient.extractData(pathToInputAudioFile, pathToOutputJSONFile);

The pathToInputAudioFile argument takes the absolute path to the audio file to be analysed. Similarly, pathToOutputJSONFile takes the absolute path to the json file which should be created to store extracted data.
It is difficult to obtain the absolute file path and usually an InputStream is available on Android devices. In that case, you should create a temporary file, write your InputStream to it and use the absolute path to this temporary file then.