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Arthur Brock edited this page May 3, 2017 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the Ceptr Organizational wiki!


  • Ceptr is organized as a Do-ocracy, which empowers individuals who actually "DO."
  • Our working groups are called "Do-ops."
  • Each Do-op makes its own "Protocols For Participation."
  • Overview of existing Do-ops
  • Don't see a Do-op that fits the "group work" that you want to participate in? Start one using our Do-op startup process.

A Do-ocracy

Ceptr is organized as a do-ocracy -- meaning that we want to empower those who will step forward to take action. Unlike a meritocracy which is based on the merit of one's past performance, a do-ocracy is based on empowering those who commit to "DO" things.

In a Ceptr mindset, we look at "doing" as an operation which takes certain kinds of inputs and transforms them into certain kinds of outputs. For example, the cartographers do-op takes information about what the various workgroups are producing as inputs. They use that info to create maps that make all of that activity easier to understand. So in this do-op,

  • the info about workgroup activity are the inputs
  • The maps are the outputs, and
  • the transformation of workgroup activity info into easy to understand maps is the "doing."


As much as possible, we empower you to do what you want to do, and contribute however you feel you can best contribute. However, coordination with others is still necessary, so people who want do work in any domain organize themselves into working teams called do-ops (like co-ops with a focus on action).

Why call them do-ops?
We liked the play of do-op(erations) with both do-ocracy and co-ops (and truthfully, Arthur also liked the silly pun of the sound of "doo wop" music, and thinks we should make a theme song to the tune of "Let's go to the hop" --> "Let's join a do-op! Or maybe... Let's start a do-op...")

Emergence rather than Management

We know that this approach is likely to be somewhat chaotic, and may produce inefficiencies like duplicate work, or work that the rest of the ecosystem may not find as valuable as was hoped in doing it. But we don't have the manpower, means, energy, structures, attention, and context, for "management" of people's work in a more traditional sense (and we really don't want to function in that sort of top-down manner). So this seemed like the best way to foster an emergent, co-creative ecosystem.

Hol-optic Tools

With lots of groups doing lots of things, there will be some chaos and that can be hard to keep track of.

In order to help make this activity sense-able for everyone else, we are making use of Hol-op(tic tools) (which give people a view of the "whole") -- having a slack channel, regular calls, maps and other means... so that each of the do-ops can make their activity visible (in summary form) to the rest of the community. This holopticism improves the coordination of the whole organization.

Large scale coordination between do-ops currently happens on our monthly hol-op calls.

How to get involved

You can join existing do-ops by navigating their participation protocols (sometimes some orientation, expertise, or familiarity with the tools they use to coordinate is required). Or you can start a do-op using our Do-op startup process.