Popfilms is our fullstack final project, featuring a social web app focused on movies. This is the front-end repository. here.
Fully updated by Mich Seixas, with her assistant Bô =^..^= We are three movie enthusiasts and Ironhack students who have collaborated to create Popfilms, a captivating social web app dedicated to exploring and sharing our love for films.
You can check the app fully deployed here.
- Fork this repo
- Clone this repo
$ cd popfilms
$ npm install
$ npm start
const userSchema = new Schema({
email: { type: String, required: true, unique: true},
password: { type: String, required: true },
username: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
name: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
image: String,
likedmovies: [{ type: String, }],
comments: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Comment" }],
ratedMovies: [{idMovie: String, userRating: Number}]
const commentSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
description: { type: String, required: true },
idUser: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true },
idMovie: { type: String, required: true },
{ timestamps: true,});
const movieSchema = new Schema({
ratings: [{ type: Number}],
comments: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Comment" }],
idMovie: { type: String, required: true }
Method | Endpoint | Require | Response (200) | Action |
POST | /signup | const { username, email, password } = req.body | json({user: user}) | Registers the user in the database and returns the logged in user. |
POST | /login | const { email, password } = req.body | json({authToken: authToken}) | Logs in a user already registered. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ultricies ante id ligula pretium, a volutpat augue lobortis. Proin lacinia consequat nisl non feugiat. Integer a efficitur risus.
Method | Endpoint | Require | Response (200) | Action |
POST | /signup | const { username, email, password } = req.body | json({user}) | Registers the user in the database and returns the logged in user. |
POST | /login | const { email, password } = req.body | json({authToken}) | Logs in a user already registered. |
GET | /movies | const [{ title, description, director, year, duration }] = req.body | json({user}) | Get an array of all the movies |
GET | /:userId | const {userId} | json({user}) | Get the user by ID and send the info. |
POST | /:userId/update | const { name, email, username, password, image } = req.body | json({user}) | Finds the user and updates it. |
POST | /:userId/delete | const {userId} | json({user}) | Finds the user and deletes it. |
POST | /:userId/updateImage | const { image } = req.body | json({user}) | Finds the user and updates image. |
POST | /:userId/likeMovie | const { likedMovies } = req.body | json({user}) | Finds the user and updates likes array. |
POST | /:userId/dislikeMovie | const { likedMovies } = req.body | json({user}) | Finds the user and updates likes array. |
GET | /:movieId | const { movieId } | json({movie}) | Get the movie by ID and send the info. |
POST | /addComment | const { title, description, idComment } = req.body | message: "created" | Creates a comment in the database (movieDetail). |
This website uses TMDB and the TMDB APIs but is not endorsed, certified, or otherwise approved by TMDB.