A simple example that shows how to pass image data to wasm and back to js and render it in a canvas.
You need
If you have the tools compiled and ready you can compile the filter.c with
$ clang filter.c -o filter.s -S -Os --std=c11 -Os --target=wasm32
$ s2wasm filter.s -o filter.wast
$ wasm-as filter.wast
The -o
parameter defines the output. -S
tells clang to only run preprocessing and compilation steps but no linking. -Os
is the optimization flag (makes the generated wasm smaller) and --std=c11
defines the C standard used. s2wasm
transforms LLVM output to WebAssembly's wast format, which is turned into the binary wasm format with wasm-as
Just run a local webserver, e.g.
$ npm install -g pushstate-server
$ pushstate-server .
and open filter.html
in one of the browsers that support wasm.