unittest-sandbox provides a @sandbox decorator which ensures unit test methods do not make any socket/web requests during test execution. Note: This currently only works with Python 3.
To install run: pip install unittest_sandbox
from unittest import TestCase
import requests
from unittest_sandbox import InternetAccessBlockedException, sandbox
# The @sandbox() decorator can be applied to methods individually like below
class RequestTests(TestCase):
def test_non_request_works(self):
self.assertEqual(1 + 1, 2)
def test_web_request_raises_exception_when_sandbox_decorator_is_applied(self):
# If a web request is sent in a test method wrapped with the @sandbox decorator,
# an InternetAccessBlockedException will be raised.
with self.assertRaises(InternetAccessBlockedException):
# The @sandbox() decorator can also be applied to the class as a whole. This is the same as decorating
# all 'test_' methods with @sandbox()
class RequestTests(TestCase):
def test_non_request_works(self):
self.assertEqual(1 + 1, 2)
def test_web_request_raises_exception_when_sandbox_decorator_is_applied(self):
# If a web request is sent in a test method wrapped with the @sandbox decorator,
# an InternetAccessBlockedException will be raised.
with self.assertRaises(InternetAccessBlockedException):
# A function can also be imported and called to prevent any web requests from occurring.
# For example, this could be called at the start of a Django settings file used by the test runner to
# ensure that no web requests are made by the tests.
from unittest_sandbox import block_socket_access