A Python application that subscribes to an MQTT topic, logs the received messages and persists them. The application also exposes an api endpoint to get all the messages.
The project runs inside a docker container. Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. After that simply run the following command in the project root:
docker compose up -d
This will expose the backend (fastapi) a host/port at
In addition, MQTT broker is exposed at host/port
By default, the subscription service listens to a topic humidity/outside but user can change this with TOPIC environment variable (see docker-compose.yml file).
You can use e.g. MQTT X to publish a message to a topic on a broker.
Checks that the app is ok.
Response payload:
"message": "OK"
Name | Description |
limit | how many messages to return; default value: 100 |
offset | define a offset from the first item; default value: 0 |
Get all stored messages ordered by timestamp
Example response payload:
"created_at": "2023-06-05T10:01:08.587763",
"payload": {"humidity": 5.66}
"created_at": "2023-06-05T09:59:21.040788",
"payload": {"humidity": 0.75}
The project contains a separate docker compose file a local development.
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d
The Makefile contains a few targets to help the development for instance:
Run the tests:
docker compose exec backend make test
Run the checks
docker compose exec backend make check