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ember-notify displays wee little notification messages down the bottom of your Ember.js app.


ember-notify is compatible with the following presentation frameworks:

  • Zurb Foundation 6 (default)
  • Zurb Foundation 5: {{ember-notify messageStyle='foundation-5'}}
  • Thoughtbot Refills: {{ember-notify messageStyle='refills'}}
  • Twitter Bootstrap: {{ember-notify messageStyle='bootstrap'}}
  • Semantic-UI: {{ember-notify messageStyle='semantic-ui'}}
  • UIKit: {{ember-notify messageStyle='uikit'}}

The CSS animations are inspired by CSS from alertify.js. You can also customize the positioning and animations by overriding the default ember-notify CSS class. For usage, see the animations example.


  1. Add {{ember-notify}} to one of your templates, usually in application.hbs
  2. Inject the notify service
  3. Display messages using the info, success, warning, alert and error methods


import {
} from 'ember';
export default Component.extend({
  notify: inject.service('notify'),
  actions: {
    sayHello() {
      this.get('notify').info('Hello there!');

By default the notifications close after 2.5 seconds, although you can control this in your template:

{{ember-notify closeAfter=4000}}

Or you can control when each message is closed:

var notify = this.get('notify');
var message = notify.alert('You can control how long it\'s displayed', {
  closeAfter: 10000 // or set to null to disable auto-hiding

...and you can hide messages programmatically:

message.set('visible', false);

You can specify raw HTML:{html: '<div class="my-div">Hooray!</div>'});

Rounded corners, if that's your thing:

notify.alert('This one\'s got rounded corners.', {
  radius: true

Include custom classNames on your message:

notify.alert('Custom CSS class', {
  classNames: ['my-class']


If you prefer not to call Ember.inject.service('notify') you can use an initializer:

// app/initializers/ember-notify.js
export {default} from 'ember-notify/initializer';

Multiple Containers

If you want to have separate notifications and control where they're inserted into the DOM you can have multiple {{ember-notify}} components, but only one of them can be accessed using the injected service. The others you will need to provide a source property, so secondary containers should be used as follows:

{{ember-notify source=someProperty}}
import Notify from 'ember-notify';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  someProperty:, // or this.set('someProperty', Notify.create())
  actions: {
    clicked: function() {
      this.get('someProperty').success('Hello from the controller');

Custom message template

You can pass a block with template you wanna be used for each message (instead of using the default one). It may look like this:

  {{#ember-notify as |message close|}}
    <a {{action close}} class='close'>close from block</a>
    <span class='message-from-block'>{{message.text}}</span>

Two arguments are passed to the block: message object, and close action. Make sure you are using Closure Actions syntax passing the action (e. g. <a {{action close}} or {{your-component close=(action close).

Custom Animations

By default, the ember-notify message window will appear from the bottom right corner of the screen. You may want to control the postioning or animations. To do so, you need to pass a CSS class name using the classPrefix option. This will render the top level ember-notify element with the class you pass in.

<!-- gives class="ember-view ember-notify-cn custom-notify"> to top level element-->
{{ember-notify classPrefix="custom-notify"}}

Then you need to add custom styling for each of the elements within the ember-notify structure. The following snippet summarizes rules needed for a custom look. For a complete example that you can drop into your project, see examples/custom-position-animations.css

/* main container */
.custom-notify {
	position: fixed;
	top: 10px;
	right: 0;
	left: 0;
/* message box */
.custom-notify .callout {
	position: relative;
	overflow: hidden;
/* classes applied for animating in/out */
.custom-notify .ember-notify-show {}
.custom-notify .ember-notify-hide {}

Usage in Tests

The scheduler that shows and hides the messages is disabled by default when Ember is running tests to avoid slowing down the tests. You can override this behaviour by setting Notify.testing = true.

import Notify from 'ember-notify';
Notify.testing = true;


This module is an ember-cli addon, so installation is easy as pie.

npm install ember-notify --save-dev

Upgrading from a previous version


Browser Compatibility

Some users have reported issues with IE8, so this is currently not supported.


Notification messages for your Ember.js app



MIT, MIT licenses found

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No packages published


  • JavaScript 90.2%
  • HTML 9.7%
  • CSS 0.1%