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Tree Status: CircleCI

This contains the code for the leaderboard for Programming Club, IIT Kanpur. Note that this repository is for the initial development period only, this will eventually be shifted to an official PClub repository.


Rails follows a familiar model-view-controller architecture for those who have used Django or the like. The app itself is, unsurprisingly, contained in the app/ directory. The workflow of the app is as follows:

  • Users can request Tickets detailing what they have done and what points they want for it. They need to provide their CC Password for authentication purposed.
  • AdminUsers can approve or disapprove tickets. There is no link on the site for admin users to log in as of now, but you can log in using /login and approve tickets on '/tickets/approve'
  • Admin users can only be added thru rails console as of now, and that is a good way to do it since there will be at most 4 admin users at any time I think. To add an admin user for testing, type
$ bundle exec rails console
(rails console)> AdminUser.create(username: <username>, password: <password>, password_confirmation: <password>)

Note that you don't need to enter your CC password for this!


First, you need to install ruby on your system. The details depend on your package manager, so you may need to check that. After installing you can check by using

$ ruby --version

After this, you need to install bundle.

$ gem install bundle

After this, you should be ready to get started to run the actual application.

$ cd (directory where you cloned this repo, where the Gemfile is)
$ bundle install --without production

Next, migrate the database:

$ bundle exec rails db:migrate

Then, run it.

$ bundle exec rails server -p <port number, default is 3000>

It is recommended that you test your work before submitting a patch.

$ bundle exec rails t

Also, after adding any code it makes sense to check it using rubocop to validate style guidelines:

$ bundle exec rubocop

Note that failing rubocop leads to a failing build on our CI, thus your code will not be accepted.