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Tutorials for Mindee Python SDK

These samples all use Juypter Notebooks.

Python requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Mindee is used for the OCR data extraction
  • JSON to read the outputs
  • cv2, pyplot numpy are all used to create the charts, and draw shapes on the charts
  • Math is used to round the pixel math to an integer.
  • Pretty prints the JSON nicely.

To start a Jupyter Notebook:

  1. install Jupyter
  2. Start the Jupyter instance jupyter notebook
  3. A tab will open in the browser and you can naviagte to the ipynb Jupyter file you wish to examine.

To use these dociuments, you'll need a Mindee API key. Each APi endpoint uses a different key - so you must generate the key for the endpoint you are working with.

There are 4 docs:

  1. invoice
  2. receipt
  3. passport
  4. license plates

Additionally, there are sample images for all of the endpoints. To test with a new document, sinply add to the directory, and change the path for the 'image' variable.

Drawing the polygon boxes

In the invoice and license plate examples - not only are the various values extracted from the document, but a box is drawn around the location of several of the attributes. This is done by retrieving the polygon data from the Mindee response, converting to a pixel corrdiante, and the using openCV to draw a rectangle on the image.